IX: 5 Months Later ...

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💙Erin's POV💙

5 Months Later ...
Everything is going really well. I and Cameron are now dating. We have been dating for 4 months now and Cameron has met my Dad. I have also met Cameron's parents and Cameron is going to meet my Mum. My Mum doesn't know that we are travelling to London to see her as we wanted it to be a surprise. My Dad let Cameron stay over last night so we don't have to arrange to meet each other at the airport. I and Cameron finished packing last night so we only have to get to the airport now.

I fluttered my eyes open and the sun came pouring into my bedroom. It brought a smile to my face and I heard the birds tweeting outside. I am going to miss waking up to the sun when I am in London but we are only going to be there for a week and then we are back home. I glanced next to me and I noticed that Cameron was still asleep. I lifted his arm up from around my waist and I crawled out of bed. I made my side of the bed behind me and I made my way over to my walk in wardrobe. I opened the wardrobe doors and I entered the walk in wardrobe. I glanced through my clothes and I picked out my clothes. I picked up my shoes and I left the walk in wardrobe. I closed the wardrobe doors behind me and I grabbed my underwear. I made my way into the en suite bathroom and I turned the bathroom light on.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and I placed my clothes along with underwear on the closed toilet seat. I placed my shoes on the bathroom floor and I stripped out of my pyjamas. I chucked my pyjamas in the wash basket and I sprayed deodorant underneath both of my arms. I got changed into my underwear and I sprayed body spray over my body. I sprayed perfume on my neck and I got changed into my clothes for today. I slipped on my black trainer socks and I slipped on my shoes. I wandered over to the bathroom sink and I brushed my teeth. I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash and I took my hair out of the high ponytail. I brushed my hair and I put my hair into two French braids. I wiped my face with a make up wipe and I applied my daily make up. I felt a pair of hands on my waist and I knew it was Cameron. He placed a kiss on my cheek and he told me that he was getting a shower.

I nodded my head and I turned around. I gave him a kiss on his lips and he held it longer. We pulled away from each other and Cameron unwrapped his arms around from my waist. I headed towards the bathroom door and I opened the bathroom door. I left the en suite bathroom and I closed the bathroom door behind me. I opened the bedroom blinds and I started packing the little things that we need for this holiday in my handbag. I zipped up my handbag and I placed my handbag on my arm. I picked up my suitcase and I headed towards the bedroom door. I opened the bedroom door and I wheeled out the suitcase. I closed the bedroom door behind me and I strolled down the hallway with my suitcase. I reached the stairs and I made my way down the stairs with my suitcase. I finally made it down the stairs with my suitcase and I placed my suitcase by the front door.

I placed my handbag on top of my suitcase and I wandered down the hallway. I entered the kitchen and I saw my family sat at the table. They all smiled at me and I smiled back. I made my breakfast and I made myself a glass of orange juice. I sat at the table with my family and I started eating my breakfast. I finished 15 minutes later and I drank my drink up. After I was done, I got up from the chair and I pushed the chair into the table. I picked up the dirty dishes and I took them over to the dishwasher. I opened the dishwasher door and I placed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I closed the dishwasher door and my Dad started speaking to me.

Fazer: What time is your flight Erin?

Erin: At 3pm. We have booked a taxi to pick us up from here at 12pm.

Fazer: Okay. Well have a great time at your Mum's and I will see you when you get back home. I am going to work now.

Erin: See you when I get back and I love you.

Fazer: Love you too.

My Dad mentioned his goodbye's to Ashley and Ava. My Dad gave me a hug and mentioned a goodbye to me. We pulled away from each other and my Dad left the kitchen. Ashley went to get Ava dressed for nursery and Cameron came into the kitchen. He made himself breakfast and a drink. Cameron sat at the table and started eating his breakfast. I departed the kitchen and I made my way into the living room. I laid on the sofa and I turned the TV on. I flicked through the channels and I decided to watch Pretty Little Liars. Cameron joined me when he was finished in the kitchen and we cuddled on the sofa. Ashley took Ava to nursery and they both mentioned that they will see us when we get back.

At 12pm, we heard a beep outside and we knew it was the taxi. I turned the TV off and I placed the TV remote on the coffee table. I and Cameron got up from the sofa. We exited the living room and headed towards the front door. Cameron grabbed his suitcase and he opened the front door. Cameron stepped out of the house and pulled his suitcase down towards the taxi. I picked up my handbag and I placed my handbag on my arm. I picked up my house keys and I dragged my suitcase with me. I stepped outside the house and I shut the front door behind me. I locked the house up and I wheeled my suitcase down to the taxi. I reached the taxi and Cameron opened the boot. We both placed our suitcases in the boot and Cameron shut the boot door behind us. We opened the taxi doors and we jumped into the back of the taxi.

We shut the taxi doors behind us and we buckled ourselves in. The taxi driver asked where to drive us and Cameron told him the airport. The taxi driver nodded his head and he drove away from the house. 45 minutes later, the taxi came to a stop and we were at the airport. Cameron paid the taxi driver and we unbuckled ourselves. We opened the taxi doors and we jumped out of the taxi. We shut the taxi doors behind us and we went around to the boot. Cameron opened the boot door and he got out our suitcases. Cameron shut the boot door behind us and we dragged our suitcases into the airport. I got the tickets and passports out of my handbag. I zipped up my handbag and we went through all of the checks. We were on the other side and we were just shopping around.

At 2:15pm, we made our way to our terminal and we sat down once we were there. We waited for our flight and they called us 15 minutes later. Everyone queued up to go on the flight and we managed to get to the front. The cabin crew checked our tickets and they let us go through. I and Cameron walked through the tube towards our plane. We boarded our plane and we found our seats. we sat down in our seats and got ourselves ready. 30 minutes later, everyone was sat in their seats and everything was set to go. The plane drove down the runway and the plane took off.

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