XXIV: Date With Sam Wilkinson

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💙Erin's POV💙

I had finished getting ready and I took my phone off charge. I unlocked my phone and I went onto Snapchat. I took one selfie and added a caption of 'Date Night'. I uploaded the picture and I came out of Snapchat. I clicked on camera and I started taking some pictures so they were on my phone. I finished taking the pictures and I came out of my camera. I locked my phone and I placed my phone in my back pocket. I heard my Dad call my name from downstairs and I told him that I was on the way down. I headed towards my bedroom door and I unlocked my bedroom door. I opened the bedroom door and I left my bedroom. I wandered down the hallway and I reached the stairs. I made my way down the stairs and I saw my Dad talking to Sam. My Dad was telling him to treat me right and I just rolled my eyes.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and I told my Dad that we were leaving now. I gave my Dad a hug and I pulled away. I mentioned a goodbye to my family and Sam opened the front door. Sam stepped outside first and I followed behind him. My family stood at the front door waving to us and we strolled down towards Sam's car. We reached Sam's car and Sam unlocked his car using his car keys. Sam went around to the drivers side and I went around to the front passenger side. We opened the car doors and we hopped into the car. We shut the car doors behind us and we buckled ourselves in. Sam put his car keys into the car and he started the car engine. I waved at my family and they waved back. They went back into the house and my Dad closed the front door behind them. Sam drove down the drive way and drove his way to where we were having the date.

30 minutes later and we arrived at the destination. It was getting dark but I could still see what was surrounding me. The journey was quite quiet but we had music playing in the background and I was holding hands with Sam all of the way. Sam parked his car up and he stopped the car engine. Sam took his car keys out of the car and we let go of each others hand. We unstrapped ourselves and we opened the car doors. We jumped out of the car and we shut the car doors behind us. Sam locked his car using his car keys and we met up with each other at the front of the car. Sam let his hand out and I grabbed hold of his hand with mine. We strolled over to where Sam was taking me and 10 minutes later, we ended up in front of a carnival. All the pretty lights lit up and I had a smile on my face.

I turned to Sam and he glanced at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I whispered a thank you into is ear. I pecked him on the cheek and I pulled back so my face was in front of Sam's face. Sam leaned forward and placed his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync and Sam wrapped his arms around my waist. We pulled away from each other as we needed to breath and we unwrapped our arms from each other. We held each others hand and we entered the carnival. Sam asked me what I wanted to do first and i told him to pick. That was probably the baddest idea because we ended up in the haunted house and everything was popping up at me which scared me. We exited the haunted house and we grabbed something to eat. We sat down and we ate our burgers. We finished 20 minutes later and we drank our cokes.

We finished our drinks and we chucked our rubbish away. We strolled around the carnival and looked for what to do next. Our food went down and I decided to go on the ferris wheel. Sam brought our tickets and we queued up. 10 minutes of waiting and we were on the ferris wheel. 30 minutes later, the ferris wheel had finished and we got off the ride. We walked around a bit more and we came to a stall. Sam decided that he was going to win something for me and he paid for his turns. He had to knock all of the cans down with 3 balls. Sam was on the last ball and he managed to knock all of the cans down. The guy asked what prize Sam wanted and Sam told him the white teddy bear holding a red heart. The guy passed Sam the prize and Sam mentioned a thank you. Sam passed me the prize and I gave him a kiss on the lips.

We pulled away from each other and we walked off. We went on some other rides which we were fun and we decided to leave now as it was 9:30pm. We left the carnival and we strolled back to the car. We reached the car and Sam unlocked his car using his car keys. I went around to the front passenger side and Sam went around to the drivers side. We opened the car doors and we hopped into the car. We shut the car doors behind us and we strapped ourselves in. Sam put his car keys into the car and he started the car engine. Sam drove away from the carnival and drove his way to my house.

30 minutes later, I heard someone saying my name and I fluttered my eyes open. I must of fell asleep through on the car journey. I smiled at Sam and I unbuckled myself. I turned to Sam and told him that I had an amazing night. Sam also told me that he enjoyed the night and we should go on more dates. Sam told me that he had a present for me and I gave him a confused look. Sam grabbed the present from the back seat and passed me the present. It was a bouquet of red roses which are my favorite flowers. I smelt the flowers and I mentioned a thank you to Sam. I gave him a kiss on the lips and we pulled away after a few minutes. I told Sam that I had to go and he nodded his head. I opened the car door and I hopped out of the car. I picked up the teddy bear and I mentioned a goodbye to Sam.

He mentioned one back and I closed the car door behind me. I strolled up the drive way and towards the front door. I turned around and I waved Sam off. Sam waved back and Sam drove off. I opened the front door and I stepped inside the house. I closed the front door behind me and I locked the front door. Ashley and my Dad asked how the date went. I explained about the date and my Dad told me that Sam was a keeper. I smiled and I told them goodnight. They mentioned a goodnight to me and I left the living room. I headed towards the stairs and I made my way up the stairs. I reached the top of the stairs and I wandered down the hallway. I entered my bedroom and I closed my bedroom door behind me. I placed my teddy bear on my bed and I put my roses in my vase on my bedside table.

I filled the vase with water and I got ready for bed. I got changed into my pyjamas and I chucked my clothes that I was wearing in the wash basket. I made my way over to my bathroom sink and I brushed my teeth. I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash and I wiped my make up off using a make up wipe. I headed towards the bathroom door and I turned the bathroom light off. I departed the en suite bathroom and I closed the bathroom door behind me. I turned my night light on and I turned the main bedroom light off. I crawled into bed and I saw I had a message from Sam. I quickly replied to him and I locked my phone. I placed my phone on my bedside table and I turned the night light off. I laid my head on the pillow and I fell asleep instantly.

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