Chapter One: Tommy

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   "Tommy!" Quinn screamed. I glanced back. Rita's claws scrapped along the shoulder of my armor. Quinn laid beaten and broken in the dirt. The other Rangers were along side him, bleeding and defeated. His helmet was broken and laid in the dirt in front of him. His bright silver eyes were full of pain. Agony seeped out of him.
   It was delicious.
  "Come my Ranger." Rita drug her finger across my chin, turning my head toward her. "Were done playing with these children."
   "Tommy." Quinn whimpered, barely above a whisper. His bleach blonde hair was stained pink from his bleeding scalp. "Please." His hand reached out, grasping at the air.
   I didn't see him as my brother. I saw him as a broken toy. And what do you do when you break a toy.
  You get a new one.
  So I turned, and walked away.

   "Quinn!" Tommy screamed. The agony in his voice was palpable. My spine went rigid as I turned my head back to the puddy surrounding the rest of the Rangers. A couple lumber over to Tommy as he lay broken on the ground. They looked like they wanted to take care of loose ends. "Quinn!"
    I cursed, frozen solid.
   Jason looked back at me. "Quinn! Come on!" He motioned for me to join them. But I stood still.
   "Quinn! Please! I- I can't move!" Tommy was terrified. I had never heard him like this before. Broken, destroyed.
  My instincts kicked in and I pivoted my foot. "Saba!" I shouted and the white saber appeared in my palm. I sprinted as fast as my legs could take me. The rock monsters raised their fists above Tommy's head. I could see his eyes widen underneath his visor.
   I leapt with all of my strength, slamming my boots into one monster and cutting the other down with my blade. More surrounded me as I grabbed Tommy's hand. I could feel the energy from me transfer to him as he stood shakily.
  "Why? I left you." Tommy asked as I hauled him to his feet.
  "I'm not like you."
   The bellowing of Lord Zed rocked the earth as the green galaxy on Tommy's chest turned gold.
   "No one hurts my brother." Tommy nodded and pulled out his dagger. "Rangers." They all glanced at me as the puddy army advanced toward us. "Let's kick some ass."

2 Months Earlier:
Detention was a waste of time. Why does this new school care about what I do. Sure, I may have gotten into a fight with two, or three people... at the same time, but that's not the point. The point is, I won and they should be in this hell hole rotting with me. I only fought them cause they were picking on my brother Quinn. I warned them, and now one is in the hospital and the other two are to afraid to come back. But why am I here? I didn't insight it. I guess they don't want you to stand up and help your twin brother from getting picked on, thanks Angel Grove.
The hall ways were barren, no life in sight. I mean, there was a huge exodus of residents after the huge brawl that happened a few weeks ago. There were still sections of road that were torn and broken from the robot fight I had heard so much about. Quinn and I actually went to one park of the wreckage, the giant hole in the ground, and found a little coin. The middle looked like an emerald but was almost translucent. The out side was rimmed with gold. I had kept it since people said the evil witch lady that almost destroyed the town had been seen holding it in her staff. I thought it was worth some money, so I kept it. I could have sworn I placed it on my dresser this morning, but walking down the hall, I reached in my pocket and found the coin resting inside. I just passed it off as just one of my lapses in memory. I reached my locker and started to grab my things, throwing the coin in as I tried to get my few books.
Something started to vibrate and the air around me became hot. I stood up and looked at the coin, my eyes attracted to its position in my locker. It shook violently and started to steam. I quickly shut the locker and then it exploded.
I know what you're thinking, 'Tommy, what the hell are you on? Stuff like that can't blow up lockers.' Well you better fucking believe it. The locker shot off its hinges and slammed into the wall across from it. My heart raced as the loud bang rang through the school. I raced around and looked for the coin, when it wasn't in the locker I grabbed the sides of my head and started to hyperventilate. What the fuck just happened?! Where did it go?! Why was that just lying on the ground!?
All these questions and more swam through my head as I raced back to detention. While running through the hall, I tried to calm down and try to be cool as I walked through the door. Everyone looked at me as I walked down the stairs that led to the open room.
"Hey new kid!" One of the punk looking regulars yelled. "Was that you?"
"No," I tried to act cool. "I came back from the bathroom when I heard the explosion."
"It was an explosion!"
'Shit' I thought.
"I don't know but that's what it sounded like." My chest heaved as adrenaline rushed my body.
" Thank you for the information Tommy, now take your seat."
I tried to fast walk to my seat.
As I sat down, I took my green hoody and threw it over my head. I reached in my pocket for my phone and was surprised to find it replaced with the coin. I dropped it on the table with an audible click. The silence made my mistake even more threatening. When nothing happened I picked up the coin and studied the coin for the rest of the day.

When I got home to our small, three bedroom house, I dropped my bag at the door and ran upstairs. Quinn was sitting on his bed listening to music. I could hear him humming along to the chorus of one of his favorite songs. I ran to my side of the room and started to get a back pack ready.
"Tommy, what are you doing?" He asked not even bothering to look up from his phone. "Are you planning on running away again?"
"No," I scoffed. "On a totally unrelated topic, do you want to go for a hike in the abandoned gold mining area?"
"Why?" He tore his earbuds from his ears and gave me his serious stare. "What are you up to Tommy?"
"Nothing! I swear!" I slashed an X over my heart. "I just want to show you something."
I started to put my hiking boots on after changing into a green and black flannel and layered jeans with a pair of running tights underneath. I grabbed my green beanie and my pack full of goodies and survival things and rushed out the door. Quinn jumped out of bed and rushed to get stuff together. After ten minutes of waiting, Quinn raced down the stairs and we were almost out the door when...
"Where the hell do you boys think yer goin?" Our step dad called. He was a large man that our mother had 'fallen' for a while ago. Quinn and I were not fond of the man, and I had had, interactions with him in the past. Let's just say, detention isn't the worst place I've been.
"Fuck you Steve!" I yelled and dragged Quinn out the door.

"Get your Map My Run and see how long it takes to get to the top." Quinn was a runner, and he was pretty good. I just liked to make fun of his talent, but he knows I'm kidding. You know, brother stuff.
"Haha, very funny." He joked.
"I'm just trying to help you get some mileage down." I chuckled.
"We thanks for the concern, but I'll be fine." He laughed. "So where are we going?"
I looked around. The place we had stopped was a rock ledge the dropped into a river that ran through a slim canyon. The grass was sparse but that's not what I came up here to show him. I dropped my pack and looked at him. "This,"
I spread my arms and fell backwards, into the Canyon.

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