Chaoter Twenty Seven: Tommy

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"You need to work on your flexibility." Rita said, shaking me from my sleep with her hissing voice.
"I got the job done right?" I tried to re adjust my position.
"Your brother is smart, he has probably figured out your weaknesses in battle." She turned and clicked her claws together. "I know I have."
"Then what are they?" I asked pushing my sleeping bag off and trying to stand and stretch my aching muscles.
"You lack fluidity in your movements. You're strikes leave you open for attack. Thanks to your increased speed you can cover your blindspots but it will not help you in six on one combat." She started to walk around looking at the destroyed remains of putty she had me fight. "Dragons were known to be ferocious but it was their grace and serpentine flexibility that gave them their edge in battle."
"Well, should have thought of that when your coin chose a guy with severe anger issues." I said kicking one of the rock piles.
"I want you to kneel."
"What?" I turned to her is shock.
"Kneel before me." She pushed her staff to the ground. The earth rumbled as five putty, more slender and lean than the ones before, lined a semi circle behind me.
"I thought we were equal," I flicked my wrist. My dagger shot from my watch and sat limp at my side, ready for any advancement.
"If you want to be better, you must except a master's limitation. I am the only one who can teach you the technique you need in defeating the rangers, and I can do it with my power, all you have to do, is kneel."
I looked behind me. The putty were inching closer and closer.
"And if I don't?"
"Then I have no use of you until you learn."
I flicked my wrist again and my dagger folded back into nonexistence. Dropping to one knee, I placed my hands on the dirt in front of her. She stabbed the end of her staff into the ground and pushed the palms of her hands onto my temples.
Soon, my eyes were met with scenes of dinosaurs. Their majestic reptilian shapes loomed over me like giant shadows of a time long forgotten. I turned my attention to a young Rita, training against a tree. Her form hadn't changed but her earthly appearance seem kinder. As if she was good at one point. But I wasn't here to learn Rita's passed. I was here to learn her style and mix it with mine. Soon I was met with thoughts of fighting techniques that showed Rita gliding through the air as simply as a leaf would. She jumped and spun and kicked with the grace of an olympic dancer. Then came the fierce attacks. Her clawed jabs and high kicks hit the tree with so much force it snapped in half.
My eyes darkened and I tried to blink the blackness away. I was greeted by the sight of Rita, holding her own temples as if in pain.
"How did you do that?" I asked, my breathe a little shaky.
"My... powers exceed that of Rangers." She breathed.
"I feel, different." I flexed my hands and biceps. "Like I could do anything."
"You can," she said standing to retrieve her staff. She snapped her fingers. "Now, kill him."
The putty behind me charged. Two grabbed my arms and drug me back. I planted my feet to the dirt and pushed up, forcing my body and the putty not the air. I made a half turn and slammed the two putty into the ground, causing them to land on their backs and smash into millions of pieces. I ducked under another's blow and grabbed its wrist, throwing it over my shoulder into another attacking putty. I stood and stared the last one down. It charged and I made a low sweep, and jumped up, taking its head off its shoulders.
"I feel that, sending someone to their death gives them a better chance of surviving."
She turned.
"I think it's time we said hello to the Rangers."

Walking around the town at night wasn't the ideal way of drawing out the rangers, but it was a start. I knew they would leave training late, so all I had to do was walk and wait. Trini was the first one to find her way in my path.
She rounded the corner, heading to her family's house near the countryside. Her grey beanie was pulled over her long dark hair. A yellow jacket hung loosely off her shoulders. Her eyes widened as she saw me, leaning against a light post. She flung her arms up in a fighting stance and stood there. I could tell she was exhausted. They must have been training ten times as hard.
"Now, is that really necessary?" I asked. I planted my foot firmly to the concrete, just in case something went down.
Indeed, something did go down.
She went for a punch across my  left shoulder. I slid to the side and as I was leaning, she crouched down and spun in for a low sweep. Obviously, I saw it coming and jumped into the air in a back flip. I landed, grabbed her her wrist and pulled it around her back.
"This would have been easier if you just let me talk." I whispered. "Now, I have to resort to plan B."
"What's Plan B," she asked, struggling against my grip.
"You don't want to know."

The Tale of The Dragon and The TigerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora