Chapter Three: Tommy

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"How do you know about this place?" Quinn asked rubbing the back of his head. We both stared at the rock walls and long cavernous corridor that led deeper into the cave.
"I don't," I laughed. "I was actually coming up here to show off my powers."
"Powers?" He asked, stopping dead in his tracks. "Are you high?"
"Not the least bit," I pulled my fist back and slammed it into the rock wall. The wall felt like butter as my fist fissured through the solid and stopped at my shoulder. Silence filled the cavern as Quinn stood, mouth agape, staring at me.
"Come on," I laughed. "I think I see something."
He shook of his daze and sprinted to catch me.
"How did you do that?" He asked, his voice twinned with astonishment.
I fumbled the green coin out of my pocket and showed it to him over my shoulder. "This thing, it... changed me."
"The coin? I thought you were going to pawn that thing off."
"I was... but then it blew up my locker and almost melted a hole in my desk in detention."
"Then why did you keep it?!" His voice cracked with anger.
"You would do the same if you could punch a wall and feel nothing, or jump over a house."
"You jumped over a... you know what, never mind." I could see the gears turning in his head, he was thinking. Thinking about how to get rid of my coin. He'd have to think really hard, cause I wasn't about to tell him about how it teleported into my pocket every time I loose it.
We turned a corner to find the only thing that would make this the weirdest day of my life. Metal steps, leading into a metal corridor. Almost like...
"A spaceship?" Quinn finished my thought for me. Twins are weird like that.
"In all honesty, I wasn't expecting this." I put my flashlight back in my pack. "Sure something weird, like a satanic cult, or a robot factory... actually this is pretty tame compared to my ideas."
Quinn bent down and studied the steps. His eyes were wide with amazement. He was always looking for ways he could be famous, even though he had social anxiety. But it wasn't like actor famous, this was archeological finding famous, discovering a new species type stuff. He wanted to find something no one els has. It was actually very impressive at how much he knew about the most bizarre things in the world.
Footsteps echoed off the walls. They came in waves, some many, beating faster and faster. I looked back and saw more lights.
"Come on Quinn!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. He jolted up and we raced down the hall that led deeper into the ship. Could this day get any worse?

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