Chapter Thirty Four: Quinn

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   I cuffed Tommy with a chain from my Tigerzord, but we still had one problem.
   "I am not going to take him back to Zordon." Kimberly said, crossing her arms. "Especially not by myself."
   "Kim, you're the only one with a zord that can move fast and carry two people." I said. "You're the only one who can do this."
    "Well I'm not." She said.
   "I have a suggestion." Alpha said as a black shadow covered the area around us.
   I stared upward, squinting in the desert sunlight. A gigantic airplane style object was hovering over the ground above us. It's white metal body and grey mechanics told my brain it was a zord. "A new zord?"
   "Yeah it is!" Zak shouted as the new birdlike zord landed next to my Tigerzord. It's teardrop shaped body and long slender wings reminded me of a falcon or hawk.
   "Quinn, say hello to your new zord. The White Falcon zord." Alpha said hopping out of the pilot's seat. The Falcon and Tiger regarded each other dryly, like rivals on a football field. "It should have enough cargo space for you to stow our guest comfortably." Alpha looked at Tommy with a look of disgust. Green must not be his favorite color. "I'll take the Tigerzord back with me."
    "Thanks Alpha." I said and hauled Tommy to his feet. "Come on. You've got a date with the judge."

   Kimberly had given me a couple tips before I took off. The Falcon's controls seemed to be a bit touchy but I got the hang of it in time.
   I veered through the clouds, tossing Tommy around the cargo space behind my seat.
   "Could you not act like a jackass right now?!" He shouted as I leveled out again.
   "Says the man who nearly killed me multiple times and is working for a space witch that tried to destroy the world." I retorted. "Oh but no, I'm the jackass."
   I jerked the controls again and flung him into the opposite wall again. He sputtered curses at me but I just rolled up the sound proof divider and flew on.
   Angel Grove stretched below me like a pinprick in the middle of tall green trees and an endless blue sea. The crater to the zord bay was located in a desolate part of the forest. It looked barely wide enough for my zord's wings, so I flipped a switch and they folded in on themselves. We fell into a dive, a white steak in the blue sky. The wind shrieked passed us as the walls of the cave closed in around us. If I wasn't perfect with this, we died.
   Thankfully, I'm always right.
   At the last second, just as the Bay opened up, I flipped the switch and the Zord's wings and thrusters engaged and slowed our decent. The Zord jerked downward as our decent slowed and subsequently stopped. I pushed a button and the floor of the cargo hold opened, dropping Tommy onto the cold stone floor.
   I hopped out of the pilot's seat and hauled him back to his feet. His dark green eyes met mine with malice. "Show off."
   "You're just jealous." I smirked, leading him along the tunnels toward Zordon.
    We entered the room and Zordon appeared on the pixelated wall in front of us. "Tommy Oliver. You've been a tough man to track down." I attached Tommy's chain to one of the railing and stepped aside. "Quinn, you may leave us. Go help the others transport the Dragonzord here while Tommy and I discuss matters."
   I didn't feel safe letting Tommy stay here with Zordon alone, but I grudgingly nodded and walked back outside.
   I jumped back inside my white Falcon and shot out of the cave entrance.
   The feeling was thrilling and terrifying at the same time. The screaming of the wind as my zord broke Mach two and blasted through the sound barrier. The blazing golden sun casting refracted light off my falcon's white metal body.
   The others were busy tying down tow cables when I landed the Falcon. I hopped out of the cockpit. "Looks like you guys might need some help."
   "Listen smart ass." Jason shouted back at me playfully. "Not all of us have new zords."
    I smiled and examined the Dragonzord. My visor fell back, exposing my silver eyes to the harsh glinting of green metal. Its eyes stared blankly at me, but something was... weird. Like something in the Dragonzord was calling to me. Beckoning me as I assumed it had for Tommy, not realizing i wasn't him. "Guys, hold on those tow cables. I might have an idea."

   I entered the Dragonzord with extreme caution. This was enemy territory for me. The cockpit was similar to the other zords, except everything was tinted with green light. The dragon dagger stood in the center, right in front of the seat. I brushed my fingers over the black hilt of the blade. Instantly, searing pain burned through my veins as green flames licked my vision. I saw images of a man made of raw muscle and silver bones. A bleeding mask of red glass and a silver spear with a Z shaped point. His laugh was a dry cackled, like a broken voice box was attached to tattered vocal cords. "This impotent fool behind the wall will perish under the dragon's breathe!"
   I threw myself out of the cockpit and into the sand.
   "Quinn!" Jason an the team rushed over to me.
  "His gonna kill him!" I shouted, rushing over to the Falconzord. "His gonna kill Zordon!"

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