Chapter Twenty Three: Tommy

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He had it coming. This is what I told myself over and over as I drove the dragon zord up into the hills. He was in my way. I told him to move and he didn't listen. It was his fault. He wanted to be a ranger, and now he's with his 'friends' sinking in the harbor. I wanted to go back. Every fiber of my being told me to go back. But I didn't. They started this. And saving them wouldn't be good for my or Rita's image. After all, we just defeated the power rangers, and pulling someone you want dead out of a fatal situation, not the best idea.
I hoped out of the zords head and landed in the middle of the coliseum. Rita's stereotypical villain slow clap sounded through out the whole of the rock stadium.
"They know we have a base here," I breathed. My helmet folded back and I touched my neck. Dried blood flaked off onto my glove. I shook it off and ran my gloved hand through my hair.
"Yes, that is a problem." She smiled. "But now, I have a ranger that can take all six of our enemies on at once. That was truly spectacular." 
"But I'll need help, I can't take them on all together. Six trained rangers against one? That can't end well. I only won because I separated them from each other." I started to pace, my arms crossed over my chest.
"So pick them off." She said simply.
"Take them apart, piece by piece. Until we have the last one to stand in your way, just to give you a little bit of a challenge."
"You want me to kill off the rangers, and leave one?"
"Obviously," she laughed.
"You know who'd I pick, but it wouldn't get us to our end goal faster." I slumped down onto the dirt.
"Then, kill them all."
"No! I won't kill Quinn!" I yelled jumping to my feet.
"What has Quinn done for you?" She asked. Her thin figure stalking its way down the seats toward the ring. "He left you. He left you to kill Steve. He made your mom walk away."
"That was all my fault! Quinn had nothing to with that!"
"Yes he did," she cooed as she slowly fell to the ground. "You know he did. If he didn't leave, you could have left together, your mother would be here, and you wouldn't have blood on your hands."
"Stop." I hissed.
"Stop what? Reading your mind? Telling you what you believe to be true?"
"JUST STOP!!" I reached out and grabbed her neck. She tried to claw at my gauntlet with no progress. I squeezed and dug my own claws into her neck. "DO NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT WHAT I THINK!"
I threw her to the ground and headed for the large stone door.
"Where are you going!" She coughed.
"To cool off, before I turn you over to Zordon or just kill you myself."

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