Chaoter Twenty One: Tommy

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When I was done playing my dagger like a flute and the zords head was above the water, I snapped my wrist and my dagger disappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief as I slumped down on the dragon's snout. Now that the moon was shining it's full radiance, I could see the barnacles and coral that encased the robots limbs and joints.
"This is going to take forever to clean." The visor of my helmet folded back and I breathed in the cool night air. My chest rose and fell from exhaustion. I wiped sweat from my brow and fell back against my newly proclaimed robot.
"What the hell?" A fisherman called. His boat hit one of my dragons spines and left a dent in his water craft. My visor folded back around my face as a snarl etched itself across my mouth.
"Don't. Touch. The robot." I hissed. The fingers of my gauntlets grew into wicked sickle shaped claws that matched the dragons. His eyes grew wide and he turned his boat around as fast as he could.
'That's what I thought," I laughed to myself. It just felt so right. The fear. The power. It made me feel good. It made me feel like I could do anything.
That could only be one person. I turned to look at the dock. Six teenagers, all wearing a color that matched their obviously respective armor. Jason, Billy, Trini, Zak, and Kimberly. Last but not least, standing at the head of the group, Quinn stood in a white and black ensemble. He held a coin in front of him, as did the rest of the group. It's shone white and prominent against the rainbow of color behind him. I cursed as he held his coin like a police badge.
"Tommy stand down, please. We just want to talk."
"Well what if I don't want to?" I stood up. The dragon started to whine and swim slowly to the dock, its head moving like the many boats that dotted the area.
"Then we will fight." He said holding his coin at his side. In unison, as if planned out, their armor crawled over their bodies, encasing them in colorful protection. I flicked my wrists, claws grew out of my gauntlets and I jumped onto the dock.
"Tommy please," Quinn stood in front of me, his hands out, pleading for me to stop.
"What?" I asked. Throwing my hands up and cocking my head. "You afraid I'll win? Afraid your plans will work and you'll turn me good and 'save' the world? Maybe you chose the wrong side Quinn!"
I saw it struck a nerve as he stubbled back. Jason grabbed his shoulder and the other four made a half circle in front of them.
"Oh, so you're going to have me fight the Four followers, what a surprise, I think I proved how much good they do the first time we fought." I laughed.
"Well we're ready this time," Billy said.
"Oh, are you now?" I grabbed his wrist and tossed him over my shoulder, right into the water below.
"Billy!" Zak jumped in after him.
I looked back at the girls. They stood their unmoving. "Now, I don't want to be sexist, but could you ladies move out of my way?"
"Not gonna happen freak." Kimberly spit.
"Ok, I get it." I grabbed Trini's wrist and slammed my fist into the side of her head. She staggered and I used this to toss her at Kimberly, who caught her just in time for me to kick them into the water to join the other two.
"Four down," I cracked my knuckles. "Why don't you move so I don't have to get you wet either?"
"That's not going to happen." Jason said. He got to his feet and got into a fighting stance.
"Oh fun." I laughed. I jumped at him, my claws racking against his chest. I didn't want to spill blood, but I would if necessary. And to kill the guy my brother was crushing on? Let's just say, I can protect him from two things when this is over.

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