Chapter Thirty Six: Quinn

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   I snatched Saba off the ground and plunged the blade into the spreading green energy inside the morphing grid. White light purged the green chaos energy from the grid in a great explosion of radiant light.
    Kimberly and I were tossed aside like rag dolls as the wave of energy expanded outward.
   I shook myself from the ensuing daze and staggered to my feet. "Kim, tell the Rangers to get ready. I'm going after Tommy."
   I rushed into the zord bay and hopped in the Falcon zord. The white Falcon screamed as it sailed out of the bay. Black clouds arched through the sky, blocking the sun's radiant light like a mask. White arcs of lightning shot through the clouds like burning beacons of energy.
   I thrust the controls up and soared toward the mountains peak. "I'm coming Tommy!"

   The Falcon screamed as I reached maximum hieght. I saw Kimberly's zord streaking up to meet me, the other Rangers secured onto her wings as she steadily rose into the black clouds.
   I laid eyes upon a devastating scene. Putty charged down the mountain in a flood of rock and debris.
   Heading straight for a defenseless Angel Grove.
   "You guys go on to Angel Grove. I'll get Tommy." I said over the coms and forced my Falcon into a dive before they could respond. Black clouds blocked my view but I knew my target. Terminal velocity was reached after my Falcon broke the sound barrier. The blast rocketed outwards, blowing the clouds away from the mountain peak. I saw the ruins of a coliseum with three figures and a couple putty. Tommy was crumpled on the ground, the putty advancing on him.
   I watched as Lord Zedd's face turned up toward me. I unlatched my view port and jumped from the Falconzord, straight at him and  Rita. The Falcon caught its self just in time to spare back up into the clouds gracefully.
   I snapped my wrist back as I flew at Zed and Rita. It was almost in slow motion as Saba appeared in my hand. White lightning arched off the ivory blade as I finally landed in front of them, slamming the blade into the ground.
   A blast of white energy crackled around me and threw the two backwards.
   I rose to my feet. I walked calmly over to the two fallen villains. Zed's grotesque smile seemed to wilt a bit as I approached.
   The earth shook a bit as the other Rangers arrived, storming up the mountain astride their zords. The rubble of putty laid at their feet but the surge seemed to have shifted their direction toward the Rangers. They jumped for their zords and began to fight the ensuing flood of rock golems. I knew they'd need help. They were quickly being out numbered even with the help of the zords.
     "Quinn!" Tommy screamed. The agony in his voice was palpable. My spine went rigid as I turned my head back to the puddy surrounding the rest of the Rangers. A couple lumber over to Tommy as he lay broken on the ground. They looked like they wanted to take care of loose ends. "Quinn!"
    I cursed, frozen solid.
   Jason looked back at me. "Quinn! Come on!" He motioned for me to join them. But I stood still.
   "Quinn! Please! I- I can't move!" Tommy was terrified. I had never heard him like this before. Broken, destroyed.
  My instincts kicked in and I pivoted my foot. "Saba!" I shouted and the white saber appeared in my palm. I sprinted as fast as my legs could take me. The rock monsters raised their fists above Tommy's head. I could see his eyes widen underneath his visor.
   I leapt with all of my strength, slamming my boots into one monster and cutting the other down with my blade. More surrounded me as I grabbed Tommy's hand. I could feel the energy from me transfer to him as he stood shakily.
  "Why? I left you." Tommy asked as I hauled him to his feet.
  "I'm not like you."
   The bellowing of Lord Zed rocked the earth as the green suit under Tommy's armor turned white. The other Rangers suits did the same, turning from their assigned colors to white.
   "No one hurts my brother." Tommy nodded and pulled out his dagger. "Rangers." They all glanced at me as the putty army advanced toward us. "Let's kick some ass."
   Tommy and I engaged Rita and Zed in tandem. A unit. Finally using our unbreakable bond as twins to our advantage. We parried and dodged the swings and lashes of their staves and dealt our fair share of strikes their way. Saba sliced through Rita's chest and she screamed in agony. I slammed the pommel of my sword against her temple and she crumpled to the ground. The rock monsters did the same as their mistress was subdued.
   I returned my attention to Zed. He looked mildly annoyed. "You may have beaten Rita White Ranger, but you have never face a foe so great as I."
   He raised his staff, ready to strike me down but I raised Saba and met him in a lock. A blast of energy rocked the mountain as our weapons collided. Sparks of green and white energy crackled off the edge of my saber as the other Rangers raced over.
   I felt someone trying to push through the waves of energy that emanated off Zed and I. Two hands grabbed my shoulders. I saw a green glove on one and a red glove on the other. I felt the combined energy of all of the Rangers surge through me as I yelled in defiance and pushed against Zed's strength. Arcs of energy pour off my blade in a flurry of colors. They burned against Zed's flesh as he screamed in pain.
   With one final push, I knocked Zed off balance and drove my sword into his chest. A blast of green energy blasted  around us as Zed's cackling grew in volume and pressure. The blinding green light faded and Zed was gone.
   Not dead but gone.
   For now.
  And right now thats all i could hope for.
  I turned my attention over to Rita. She winced, gingerly touching the oozing green gash that etched her chest in green blood. "This kitty does have claws." She laughed, reaching for her staff.
   I slammed my boot on the crescent arc of gold and it shattered in a million pieces of golden splinters. "That was just my bark." I reached over and hauled her to her feet. "You don't want to see my bite."

   Rita was presented to Zordon in chains. She yowled in defiance about worthiness and being above his judgement.
  Even back in my civilian clothes (jeans, a tee shirt, and my white leather jacket) i still scared the shit out of her. I raised my sword onto my arm and she flinched.
   "You are not above the law. You are not above the judgement of your peer." Zordon said back to her calmly. "I have given you my sentence. Ten thousand years in exile in a prison of your own making."
   A small metal canister appeared before her. Rita's face blanched as the lid slid open. "No. No please! No!" She was sucked into the canister and everything went eerily silent.
   Tommy stood silently beside me and Jason as the others kept their distance. I saw a hideous gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. He was happy she was gone, one way or another. And she was now gone for good.
   For now.
   "Quinn." Zordon said as the others walked over to Alpha. "Is there something you would like to share? There can be no secrets among this group."
   I looked at Jason, who stared at me puzzled. "Yes, there is." I took a deep breath and regained my composure. "I'm leaving."
   The other rangers looked at each other in shocked exasperation. Jason was speechless. His blue eyes bore into me like needles. Tommy looked at me in disbelief.
  I guessed they needed an explanation. "Alpha and i have been talking. What if there are other rangers out there? Rita's last words last time were that others would come. Well i think its my responsibility to make sure that doesn't happen. So, I'm leaving with the White power coin and the falconzord. Zed is still out there and someone needs to stop him."
   "We'll do it together." Jason said stepping up to me. The others agreed hurriedly but i shook my head.
   "No, this is a solo mission. I can't afford to leave earth unguarded." I looked over at Tommy. "And thats where Tommy comes in."
   The others gave un approving looks.
   "He is one of the only other people capable of going toe to toe with Zed. And after Rita was cast out, the evil in the coin was expunged and now, that and the Dragonzord are on your side." I walked over to Tommy and rubbed his shoulder.
   "I just got you back, and now you're leaving again." He said, tears welling up in his eyes.
   "Yeah." I said and wrapped my arms around him.
   He hugged me tight, crushing the air from my lungs.
   When he let go Jason came over, bleary tears clouding his eyes. "You don't have to do this."
   "Yes, i do. There are so many places that could already be under Zed's control, and under the control of others. I can't sit by and watch all of this happen."
   Jason pulled me into his arms. His head laid on mine as his voice started to break. "Does this mean-"
    "I don't want to be in the way of who you want to be." I placed a kiss on his cheek. "And waiting for me to come back won't do you any good."
    He locked his lips with mine. "I won't ever stop waiting."
   I smiled. "Jason. Please. For me. Don't wait on something that's uncertain."
  The other rangers gathered around. Tommy joined the circle, trying hard to hold back the tears. Billy was the first to speak. "When do you leave?"
   I looked back at Alpha. "As soon as possible."
  Trini put her hand in the middle of the circle. "Together?"
  Kimberly followed suit. As did Zak, Billy, Jason and Tommy. I smiled, tears sliding down my cheeks. "Together. Because Together-"
  "-we are more."

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