Chapter Nine: Tommy

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  Krispy Kreme's was a decent way to cool down and pass some time, but even after eating a dough nut or three, my mind kept swimming with what just happened between Quinn and I. Twins never fight, and when they do it's either really heated or just blows over in the next few seconds. But this was different. It was like I wasn't the one fighting with Quinn, it was like the voice in my head was telling me these things and they were coming out of me. The scary part was, i believed every word I had said.
Especially the part about Quinn getting hurt. I didn't want to see him fighting monsters and losing. I didn't want to see him fight monsters period.
When I got home, Steve had left for the night shift and my mom had left to help the hospital with patient night care. Hopefully they wouldn't be back anytime soon.
I walked up to my room and threw my back pack across the width of the small expanse Quinn and I shared. The bag hit the wall and stuck, creating a new hole in my wall. With my anger issues, it was natural for me to make holes in things. I kicked off my shoes and flopped onto my bed. I tried to close my eyes, trying to forget the events that transpired today. Sleep was reaching me at a snails pace, when something hit me in the head. It wasn't a hard hit like a rock, it was more like water dropping from the ceiling. I opened my eyes and tried to add a mental tally of weird to my daily blackboard. A woman, dark hair tied back in a pony tail, startlingly blue eyes, face bones sharp as razors, stared down at me. She dropped down from the ceiling, almost as if being suspended by wires, and stopped inches from my face. I was about to yell for help when one of her golden clawed nails shot up and grazed my lip.
"Shh," she cooed. "We don't want anyone to be caught in the cross fire of our little meeting."
I grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from my lip, unconscious to the cut that it left on my top lip.
"Who are you?" I whispered.
"Oh I think you know," she chuckled. "I'm the voice in your head. The one that came with the coin you have in your pocket."
"What do you want," slowly lifted my hands, trying to get better leverage in case I had to throw her off.
"I want to help you," she laughed. "I want to help get your brother back."
"Why, I don't see anything wrong with him."
"Yes you do." I could feel her presence clawing at the back of my mind. "You don't want him to join those rangers, you want him to be safe, you want him to be himself, not controlled by Zordon."
I was caught speechless. Those thoughts only crossed my mind at the command station, how did she know them?
"What if I told you, I could help you?" A wicked grin etched itself across her face.
I'm mind raced as I thought of a million things at once, but all of them converged on one idea.
"What do I have to do?"

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