Chaoter Ten: Quinn

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Chapter ten:
    "Okay, thank you guys." I said into the computer monitor. My friends in China had been exchange students at one of my old schools and we had grown close. The two of them, twins like Tommy and I, had moved back to china earlier this year and I had been talking to them on and off curtesy of China's spotty internet service. "And tell the elders I said thank you."
   "Sure will Quinn." Min nodded as he turned off the connection.
  I turned back to Alpha. "Did you get that?"
  "Oh yes. That was a fantastic story. But I fail to see its importance."
   "The story of the Cardinal directions is sacred to the Chinese. They beloved that the opposing directions were always fighting with each other. One of their directions, East, was ruled by the Azure or Green Dragon. The West was ruled over by the White Tiger. If these two directions are always in conflict, that must mean the White Tiger is as strong as the Green Dragon. Therefore, that's what we should make my coin after."
   "Oh, I hadn't thought of it that way." Alpha mused.
   "Very intuitive Quinn." Zordon said smiling. "We will just need a sample of the creature in order to base your armor off of."
   "Easy." I said, unhooking my USB cable from my phone and onto my computer. "Alpha could you?"
   "Sure." He said a bit apprehensively. He walked over and I tilted his head. A small port was placed at the back of his skull. "Wait what are you doing?"
   "I'm uploading a database of white tiger images into your main frame." I explained as my fingers raced over the keys. "This should help you design everything you need for pictures at every angle." I hit the enter key and Alpha went rigid. "Alpha?"
   "I... I see the animal. It's beautiful." He said, reaching out to touch an invisible tiger.
   "Yeah. They are aren't they?" I unplugged the cable and put my computer back in my bag. I sprayed down the back with water proof sealant and threw it over my shoulder. "I'll see you both tomorrow?"
   "Yes and come prepared to train." Zordon called behind me as I walked away.
   I made my way out of the ship and back through the canyon toward where Tommy had brought me in. A thought crossed my mind.
   How was I going to get out of here?
   But this question was answered very quickly when I entered the atrium with the floating pool. The Rangers appeared to have been waiting for me. "Hi."
   I silently scolded myself.
  "Hey there." Jason said, springing from his spot on the ground. The others shifted and stood after him. "We thought you could use some help getting out of here."
   "That would be..." 'come on think of something good' "...nice. Thank you."
   "Here." Jason wrapped his arms around my waist and crouched down. I couldn't hide the redness on my face. "Ready?"
   I nodded not knowing what to be ready for.
  But Jason knew what he was doing. He sprang upward and we crashed into the water. But it didn't seem to slow him down. As we broke the surface again in a matter of seconds. The chilling wind bit my skin as Jason and I hurtled up to the cliff edge.
   Once we made it up, Jason planted his feet on solid ground but didn't account for my weight as it threw him off balance and we went tumbling together across the ground.
   When we finally stopped, Jason laid on my chest, pushing me against the ground. He was dazed and I couldn't move.
   "Sorry about that." He chuckled, shaking the daze from his eyes.
   I couldn't answer him.
  "Here." He pushed himself off of me and offered me a hand. I took it and he hauled me to my feet. "Do you need a ride home?"
   "That would be appreciated." I stuttered.
   Jason smiled. "Come on. We can all go over to my house. My mom's out of town and my step dad has a late shift."
   A cheer rose up from the group as we all made our way down hill.
  A warm feeling settled in my chest as I walked down the hill with Jason. I finally had a real group of friends.
  I didn't think this summer could get any better.

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