Chapter Sixteen: Quinn

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Chapter sixteen:
   "Nice one Quinn!" Alpha Five cheered as I slashed my saber against the rock monster's chest. The sword cut right through the hologram and the monster crumbled.
   Another charged from behind me. I flipped the blade around in my hands and fell back into his attack, using his own momentum to empale himself on my blade.
    My session with Saba ended and I snapped my wrist. The saber disappeared and I was allowed a break.
   I grabbed a cold bottle of water and my towel. Sweat stained my tee shirt which clung to my chest like glue. I slipped the tee shirt off and laid it on the rocks. The cold cave's air chilled my skin and gave some relief to the burning of my muscles.
   The other Rangers walked in from the underwater atrium soaking wet.
   "Where were you today?" Jason asked, surprisingly stern. Almost angry.
   "I had a few things to tweak with Alpha and Zordon so I stayed here. I can still come to detention later though. We've worked out all the bugs with Saba." I explained rather enthusiastically. I had never been this excited.
   "Well if you thought that you being at school today to help us and to come out here as a team was a request, you're sadly mistaken." Jason's anger was palpable.
   "Since when were you the one to boss me around. If i wanted that I'd go home." I shot back. "And for your information I was at school today. I just didn't wait up. Zordon called me to come before you guys to fix a few bugs with Saba!"
    It wasn't in my nature to be angry but it helped get my point across. "I ordered you to stay with-"
   "Okay! No one orders me to do anything!" I stormed over to Alpha and grabbed a fist full of wrist watch like devices. "These are what I've been spending my time on." I passed one out to each of the Rangers. They were accented with each of their colors. "They're communicators. They're wired to the morphing grid so we can talk to Zordon and Alpha and they can contact us if need be. We can also talk to each other through them."
   They all clipped the coms to their wrists and stared at Jason. "This still doesn't exempt you from the team's activities."
   "If you're so adamant that you all are team." I got into a ready stance, curling my fingers like the claws of a tiger. "A sparring match with me will be easy."
   The team cast nervous looks toward each other and Jason. Jason grimaced and tore his jacket from his shoulder. "Fine. Guys get ready. We're gonna teach this guy a lesson on teamwork."
   None of them moved.
  "Guys?" He looked back at them.
  "We'll let you go first Jason." Billy stuttered as the rest of them took a seat to watch the brawl.
   Jason huffed a breath out of anger and dropped into the dirt ring. He arched his back slightly and held up his hands defensively. I knew his fighting style like the back of my hand. I had memorized it along with all of the others.
   I knew what he was going to do. Like when he charged. I simply sidestepped at the last moment. The Force he tried to use to knock me down ,took him down instead.
   He growled and pushed himself to his feet, charging back at me. His hands flew into a flurry of punches and grabs. I raised my defenses and blocked most of his hits. For the others I dodged and finally swept his feet out from under him.
   He landed hard on his back.
   The other Rangers shifted uncomfortably in their seats as he pushed himself back to his feet and wiped blood off the corner of his mouth.
   "Okay, you've forced my hand." He muttered, pulling his coin out of his pocket. "It's Morphin Time!" In a flash of red light, Jason stood in front of me fully armored. His chest held a diamond with a swirling blue galaxy in the center. He snapped his wrist and his power sword appeared in his right hand.
   I did the same and Saba appeared in my grip. I flipped the blade backwards in my palm, so the blade point down and out toward Jason. The white tiger snarled at my opponent silently.
   "Come at me Red."
   His visor slid up and he charged at me, roaring. I planted my foot and as his blade sailed toward me. I raised Saba and deflected the strike out to the side. Using this moment of off balance, I jumped, slamming my feet into his back, sending him onto the ground again.
   This got the other Rangers moving. As they jumped to their feet and morphed into their suits. They all snapped their wrists and got swords identical to their armor.
   "Hey Alpha, you ready to test out the suit?" I said readying my saber.
   "I thought you'd never ask." He said tossing me my coin.
   I caught it and in an eruption of white light, I was standing in my new armor. White plates covered my shoulders, thighs, knees, and midsection like the other Rangers. But instead of a blue galaxy, mine shone with golden light. A black and gold over shield covered my chest. Black lines ,like stripes ,covered my body, speckled with stars.
   "Power Rangers!" Zordon Announced. "Meet the newest member of your team. The White Tiger Ranger!"
   I twirled Saba in my hands before readying the blade outward again. "Now, let's get to sparring."

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