Chapter Six: Quinn

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     So, I made it to the end of the tunnel. It opened up into a larger room. A swirling galaxy sat in the middle, washing the room in yellow gold light. Five glowing blue pads circled the galaxy with railings, like a museum attraction.
   A wall of moving square pegs rippled blue and red. A man's face appeared as I stood up, looking for a new exit. I staggered back as the face moved across the wall towards me.
   "Hello Quince Oliver. I am Zordon." The wall spoke in a smooth silky voice.
  "Just call me Quinn." I managed the spurt out the words.
  "You are not frightened?" He asked. Tilting his head slightly.
  "With all the weird shit I just saw, believe me, a talking wall isn't that frightening."
   "Very well. I have brought you here through a passage only you could use. Why do you suppose that. I believe you are the thinker in you little duality with your brother." He arched an eyebrow.
   "Well, you want to talk to me privately would be my guess." I walked cautiously up to the wall, studying it as I edged closer.
   "You would be correct. I assume you have met the other Rangers."
   "Not on a personal level but I know one of them is Jason Scott."
  "Yes, the Red Ranger. The leader. He is very much like you."
   I allowed myself a laugh. "Jason. Like me. I think you have the wrong socially awkward teenager." I stared to turn around.
   "Quince Florian Oliver, goes by Quinn after Happy Quinn off of your favorite tv show Scorpion because you identify best with those geniuses who are like you.  Sixteen years old. Youngest twin son of Hailey and James Oliver. Your father died of a drug overdose at age thirty three. Your mother found work here in Angel Grove California as a nurse and fell for a drunkard named Steven Shacksby. You're an all A's student well on the way to becoming Valedictorian, but struggle with social anxiety and a fear of public speaking. You also have a secret crush on my Red Ranger, Jason Scott. Now if that's not you, who else could it be?"
   I just stood there with my mouth agape. He knew every detail of my life. My father's death, even my crush on Jason. Even Tommy didn't know that, though I assume he suspected it. "How could you know all of that?"
   Zordon chuckled. "You may not know my Rangers, but they certainly know you."
   I tried to piece the puzzled together. "What do you want from me?"
   "What you already possess." He said. "The strength to be the greatest Ranger ever. To be the new leader of the Power Rangers when Rita Replusa strikes again."
   "You want me to be..." I couldn't even finish the sentence.
   "Yes. I want you to be a Power Ranger."

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