Chapter Twenty Five: Tommy

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School wasn't the best part of my, conquering the world strategy but, if I needed to split the rangers up, I had to start simple. But, this simple plan became more complicated when I turned the corner and found Quinn and Jason, gaze locked, staring intently into each other's eyes. I could feel the blood in my veins ignite. My heart beat as I knew what had happened. I grabbed the handle of my locker and ripped it off the door. The shriek of metal being pried from its bolts left everyone covering their ears. I looked at Jason and Quinn who were holding their ears. One of the punks from detention came behind me and punched my shoulder. I jolted forward.
"What the hell man!" He yelled pointing at my locker. "Are you on drugs?"
I turned around and slammed my fist into his gut. He fell to the ground and coughed.
"Step off, or your gut won't be the only thing my fist connects with." I threw the handle of my locker onto the ground.
"Tommy!" I turned to lock eyes with Quinn, and Principle Donavin.
"What!" I yelled back, gritting my teeth.
"Tommy, see me in my office." He tried to say calmly.
"No," I grabbed my back pack and headed for the door.
"Tommy!" Quinn yelled. I felt his hand grab my shoulder. As fast his hand touched my jacket, I grabbed his wrist and pinned him to a locker. His eyes widened.
"Just, leave me alone Quinn, I want this to be over. And if you push any harder, I will not think twice of taking you out of the picture." I loosened my grip and headed for the door, pushed it open and started to head for the hills.

The rest of the day was full of me, out of suit, fighting putty. My knuckles bloody from punching rock. My knees sore from being crouched and jumping. Rita was no where to be found so I was stuck sparing with one putty that regenerated over and over. It was good for me since that meant it never let up. But it also meant I didn't get a break. Well, maybe a broken bone, but that's not what I needed right now. When I was finally done punishing my hands, I tapped my hands together and told the putty to stop. It lowered its arms and returned to guard the door. I dragged my sleeping bag and towel over to the dragon zord's lowered snout and slumped against the cold metal. I dabbed the towel around the bloody spots and wrapped my sleeping bag around me. The sun had sunk low into the horizon, casting its orange glow over the dragon's dark body. What I would give to show Quinn the view. But now, he's my enemy, and I don't know how this will turn out, but I know it won't end on a happy note between us. It's all or nothing now, and I hate losing.

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