Chapter Two: Quinn

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   My heart caught in my throat.
  My first thoughts were "He finally broke. He finally committed suicide."
   But splashing water washed my mind of these.
  "Come on Quinn!" Tommy shouted from the bottom of the canyon. "It's fine!"
  "Speak for yourself!" I shouted over the edge.
  I could hear voices coming from behind me. I ran my hands nervously through my white blonde hair, deciding on whether or not to jump.
   "Come on Quince Oliver!" Tommy jeered. That was the final straw. No one called me Quince.
   I took a deep breathe and flung myself over the ledge. Air whistle by my head as I plunged into the pit. Water came up fast from the bottom of the canyon. I straightened out my body and my feet hit the water hard, sending a shock wave trough my body.
   I clawed for the surface. My head broke over the water and I gasped for air. "Tommy you son of a bitch!"
   "Hey hey. Watch your language." He laughed, knowing fully well he says worse things on an hourly basis. "Now come on. We're going for a dive." He gasped a breath and disappeared under the water.
   I followed suit and clawed my way through the water after him. It didn't help that he was on the swim team at every other school we've been through but I managed to keep.
   A thin sheet of reflective material laid at the bottom of the crystal pool. My reflection stared back at me, showing me me my own look of confusion. Tommy placed his hand through the reflection and it rippled.
  Like water. Or the surface of water.
   But that wasn't possible. We had already dove to the bottom. I was sure of it.
   Tommy pushed forward, disappearing through the ripples. I warily swam up and placed my hand through.
   It was dry. Jerking my hand back, I stared longer at the surface. Tommy's hand broke through again and dragged me to the other side.
  I fell, slamming my back into hard stone and cracking my head.
  I groaned, trying to shake the dizziness from my brain. Looking up didn't help my confusion. It was like the surface of water but it stayed above us. Like one of those underwater viewing atriums at a zoo exhibit. It didn't seem real.
   "Tommy, what is this place?"
  "I have no idea." He fell down to one knee and rifled through his water proof backpack. He pulled out a flashlight and snapped it on. "But we're gonna find out."

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