Chapter Twenty Nine: Tommy

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"Trini told us you had made a hologram of me," My visor clasped itself together. "I was actually very flattered, until she said you had a difficultly setting. It's like you want to lose, because I know most of you have not passed the fatal setting."
"There isn't a fatal setting." Billy held up his finger.
"Oh there's about to be." I flicked my wrist and charged. Trini followed suit.
As Trini fought Kimberly, Zak, and Billy, I charged into the lovers. Jason's sword grew from his hand and he dropped to his knees. He swung low as Quinn extended his blade and brought his over in a higher horizontal slash. I threw my legs up and almost hovered between their blades. As Quinn's sword passed over my head I dropped my dagger and caught Jason's and threw it up, causing the two to lose their balance and falter back. I grabbed their wrists and pulled them closer together. I flipped their arms over my shoulders and into the ground. Without a second of hesitation, I jabbed my dagger at the two. They rolled and the dagger lodged itself into the earth.
I looked over. Trini was held down by the others, her yellow power sword lay close to her feet.
"Trini!" I yelled.
She threw her foot up and tossed the sword to my open palm. Jason and Quinn got up and charged. We dodged and blocked each other's blows with ease. They looked a bit frightened of the fact that I could fend them off with such grace. Even with their amplified training.
I took time for new found skills to kick in fully, but when they did, it was devastating for the rangers. It got to the point that Quinn and Jason were on the ground so much, that Billy had to jump in to help.
"Oh what fun!" I laughed. And the battle continued.
The three of them jabbed and slashed in a trained unison only a team would accomplish. It made it tricky but I landed a few blows on the three, as I did my best to avoid their blades. And my best, was the best.

After a minute or so of clashing swords, I got a little bored and slammed my hand on the ground. In a billowing cloud dirt, green fire erupted from the cracked earth. It rose into the air in columns of emerald green and blazed as bright as a second sun. The team fell back too Trini and Kimberly. I raised my hand and closed my fist. Trini's head visibly fell forward as Rita's spell wore off. The columns seeped into each other creating a wall of green blazing tendrils. I looked around me. Rita was no where to be found. This put a snag in my plan as fighting six alone wasn't going to be fun. But I would try.
I pushed my dagger through the Fire and made a oval shaped door way. I knew there was no going back if I walked through.
My foot fell to the rocky earth with a crunch. It was the only sound that was important. Its significance was shown through the visors of the rangers. I was now truly, their enemy. They all bubbled to their feet, extending their corresponding swords. I held my own with both hands, favoring a samurai looking pose for defense in such a tight space. Then, it finally began.
Swords clashed over and over as I tried to parry and block incoming blows. It was hard to defend all sides at once, I even had a few close calls against my armor, but I wasn't about to show weakness. I ducked as all six rangers jabbed at once. Their swords locked and I slashed my dagger up. They all staggered back and I palmed the ground again and the rangers were tossed back. I walked over to Quinn, who was the farthest away. I shoved my foot under his chest and kicked him back to his friends. They all laid their in a little heap of defeat. I turned to look at Rita, her face plastered with a grin.

   "Tommy!" Quinn screamed. I glanced back. Rita's claws scrapped along the shoulder of my armor. Quinn laid beaten and broken in the dirt. The other Rangers were along side him, bleeding and defeated. His helmet was broken and laid in the dirt in front of him from hitting a rock when I tossed him. His bright silver eyes were full of pain. Agony seeped out of him. 
  "Come my Ranger." Rita drug her finger across my chin, turning my head toward her. "Were done playing with these children."
   "Tommy." Quinn whimpered, barely above a whisper. His bleach blonde hair was stained pink from his bleeding scalp. "Please." His hand reached out, grasping at the air.
   I didn't see him as my brother. I saw him as a broken toy. And what do you do when you break a toy.
  You get a new one.
  So I turned, and walked away.

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