Chapter Thirty One: Tommy

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  My head throbbed and my flesh burned as Lord Zedd tore his hand away from my face. His clawed hand had left a gruesome black char mark across my face. I dropped to the ground as I coughed and my body tried to relieve itself of this pain.
"Aarghh!" Zedd growled. His voice filled with malice. "Humans, so weak. You could not even stand a fraction of the pain I had endured."
"Well," I said through shaking breaths. "I wasn't dumb enough to think I could rip a Zeo Crystal from the ground with my bare hands."
I smirked and Zedd slammed his hands against the sides of my head again. The pain returned and my vision turned red with pain. My brain felt like it was melting through a cracking skull.
After a few seconds, he tore his hands off of me and turned to Rita.
"This... child is the one your corrupt coin chose to behold itself to! He is nothing more than an impotent and disrespectful brat with no sign of diabolical morality in his veins!"
I clenched my fist and dug my nails into the rough skin of my calloused palms. Blood started to coat my hands as my green suit grew and expanded around me. I tore my helmet off and stood up with newly invigorated rage.
Rita looked back at me as I stalked up to the two. Zedd still ranting about my inferior human senses and willpower.
"You may want to retract some of your misguided statements." She cooed.
"And why would I do that!" He yelled and turned to look at me.
My hand shot out and clasped against his throat. He dropped his Z ripped spear and clawed at my hand, trying to rip it from his neck. I lifted him off the ground and threw his angered body through one of the coliseum'a walls. Rock cracked and tumbled as he crashed through the wall to the other side. His body sat limp for several seconds as I made my way toward him. He staggered up and stuck out his hand, calling his spear to his side. As it whizzed through the air, I grabbed the shaft of the silver weapon and jumped into the air. He was still trying to wrench it from my grasp as I tightened my grip and drove it through his chest.
Zedd coughed as he grappled for restraint against the smooth metal. Golden claws extended from my finger tips and I drove them into his chest along side the spear. I grabbed his silver rib cage from within and tore his body from the spear and threw him upward, toward the center of the arena.
He started to cough and stagger up as his chest healed itself.
"Now you see why it chose him?" Rita asked as she watched Zedd stagger to his feet.
"Indeed, he is powerful when agitated." His spear flew across my chest and into his hand.  I flicked my wrist and as my dagger grew in my hand, I threw it. It struck Zedd's hand and he dropped his spear. He shrieked as I flicked my wrist and my dagger flew from his grasp and shrunk back into my suit.
"Very... agitated."
"He is like a dragon, or do you disagree?" Rita asked, seared of the consequence if he said no.
"No need to disagree, he has shown his medal in combat, only the truly brave, or idiotic, would openly combat my authority."
"Looks like you were wrong about me, Zedd." I walked back up to them as my suit disappeared around me. "And it looks like you're going to need a better way of intimidation, because if I can beat the shit out of you, the rangers may have trouble but they will do the same sooner or later. Or, if you fight and TRY to win, then maybe you have a chance."
"Let's make sure it never comes to that."

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