Epilogue: Tommy

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3 months:
It was a rocky start. Jason hated me for not trying to keep Quinn here, the team didn't trust me at all. I was the outcast, which brought many dents in the ships control room. I had decided to stay in the comm room since no one would help me. I had boycotted school and effectively dropped out to help the rangers. There were so few monsters that I basically had nothing to do since I was called only for the tough shit they couldn't handle. Which actually pushed them to try harder since they never wanted to call me for help. Even since Quinn left they still did not feel as if I was proving myself to take his place.
I hadn't heard from Quinn in weeks. I guessed he was off somewhere saving the galaxy but on occasion, I would end up waking at night in a cold sweat beating the floor and walls screaming in pain. I knew Quinn was in trouble, and I knew he needed my help. One twin isn't enough. They are two sides of a coin that flipped over and over in life. It was my turn to flip, and since Jason was so persistent at trying to beat me to prove his worth, I was going to give it to him. It may have been cheating to let him win a fight. But if the rangers can believe they can defeat me, then they can believe they can defeat anyone.
"Jason!" I yelled as I adjusted my armor.
"What do you want!" He stormed in, his helmet visor folding back behind his helmet.
"I'm going to find and help Quinn," I pushed my helmet onto my head and flicked my dagger, examining the blade.
"What? Your 'nightmares' get worse?"
"Yes, but I also feel that he needs more than just his own hand to help this fight."
"Then why don't we all go?"
"You know why."
"Why can't I go?"
"Because, you are the leader of this team, I can't take that from you." I flicked my wrist and patted his shoulder. "I want you to fight me, and win. To prove you can do this by yourself so I can leave."
"Quinn said he didn't want anyone to leave."
"I haven't listened to Quinn before and I'm not about to start now." I started to head to the pit. "Now come on, I'm done talking and I want to leave by midnight."
"What about Alpha and Zordon?"
"They know, they have been watching Quinn and he needs me."
"Why doesn't he need me?"
"Not everything is about you!" I started to get anger but tried to simmer down. "Just because you promised Quinn that you would wait for him to come back does not mean you can push your way through to get to him! I'm done, we will fight and if you win I'm leaving but if I win, then I know you and the team are not ready."
He went silent.
I raised my arms and my talons extended from my gloves and I got into my aggressive fighting stance. Jason did the same. We stared at each other for an uncomfortably long time. His sword extended from his suit and he charged. We left everything in the pit, nothing held back, and to be honest I was surprised when after a few minutes, the outcome emerged. After three months, my time to help earth was over. I was done wasting my time with people that didn't care for me and would finally return to the only one who did. Quinn, in coming for you. And this time, I won't try to kill you.

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