Chaoter Thirty: Quinn

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  I pushed myself onto my knees. My body was beaten and my energy was spent. I pulled my communicator from my wrist to my mouth. "Al... Alph... Alpha. Transport... them back... they need... help."
   I held my index and middle finger to Jason's carotid arterie on his neck. His pulse was faint and his breathing even fainter. The same was true for the rest of the rangers. "You sound like you need it too. I'm calling you all back."
   "No, please Alpha. I just need sometime to heal. They need medical help only you can provide." My energy was already coming back, but it was still hard to breathe.
  "And i could use your help with that. Zordon says you will come back with your team." Alpha was more stern than usual.
  "I will come back." I pushed myself to my feet. "There's something i have to do first."

  Jason's dad opened the door with Jason's mother in toe. They both had smiles on until they looked at me. It was probably my swollen, bruised face and the amount of tears in my clothing and nasty gashes on my body.
  "Quinn, what happened?" Mrs. Scott practically drug me inside. She grabbed a towel off the stove and started patting it gently on my wounds. I winced but tried to keep a solemn smile. "I know I'm not supposed to say ,but Jason and I are-"
   "Oh, Quinn." Jason's father patted my knee affectionately. "We know."
   I was puzzled. "What?"
  "Jason told us. He said you make him very happy."
  I felt my face flush red. "Oh no. Thats not what I meant. I mean we're..." i couldnt bring myself to say it. One of the first rules of being a Power Ranger, never reveal you identity to anyone except your team. I couldn't out Jason and myself because i was worried about him. "We're camping out tonight. I just thought you should know before we went."
   "Oh, well that's fine but shouldn't you be patched up first? I really think you should see a doctor." Mrs. Scott said, wiping more blood off my bruised arms.
   "No. No its fine, I have a first aid kit. I just fell off my bike on the way over here." I lied. I could tell they weren't buying it. "I'll just grab some clothes for Jason."
  She nodded and I hurried upstairs. When i got into Jason's room, I immediately ran over to his closet, grabbing extra clothes, some that would fit Billy and Zak also, and dug through his first aid kit for something's Alpha would need. I grabbed thick spools of gauze, packets of antibacterial gel, and enough metal tubing and wood for a few dozen splits. I shoved all of this into a duffle bag and ran over to Trini and Kimberly's house to grab clothes for them. Each came with a lengthy introduction and a couple worried expressions. Especially at Trini's house. Her mom thought i was her boyfriend, so i just went with it and may have gotten invited to dinner.
   I ran as fast as i could back to the gold mine and dove into the ravine with out a second thought.

  After Alpha and i patched up Jason, who threatened to make me go to a hospital if i didn't treat him last, i went to work. It didn't occur to me that i was training in my underwear (my arms, legs and torso being covered in gauze and Neosporin) until the Alpha walked back in.
   "Quinn! What are you doing?!" He shouted as the newly upgraded hologram of Tommy knocked me down to the floor again. A couple of my wounds had already reopened and the blood was beginning to seep through the gauze.
   I spit a glob of blood from my mouth and grit my teeth, trying to pull myself back to my feet. "Training."
  Alpha waddled over and held me back from resuming my brawl. "No, you said it yourself. You need rest. You all do. Just come back in and lay down."
  "I can't Alpha. Not until I can beat Tommy here because if I can beat him here, I'll beat him out ther-"
   "Yes and we see how well that went last time." He rolled his eyes sarcastically. "No," he shut off the simulation and lead me back through the tunnels. "You will rest. Fully clothed preferably."
   "I don't know." A hoarse and handsome voice said as we walked around the corner. "I'm kinda into the not pants thing."
   I smiled, my pain melting away in Jason's big brown eyes. His face was bruised and bloody, but he was still as handsome as ever. Which says something about me. Even when my boyfriend is bleeding and in pain, i still found a way to pick out the most perfect thing about him. "You need to sleep."
  "And so do you, so," he rolled over onto his side with a wince of pain, extending his blanket over his spot on the floor with his arm, "come here."
   I rolled my eyes and, with a great amount of effort and pain, managed to lay down beside him. He wrapped his arms around me gently, not wanting to reopen any of, either of our wounds. I buried my face into his neck as his hands ran through my hair. Not even Tommy's victory could ruin this moment for me.

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