Chapter Thirty Five: Tommy

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Tommy, why must you fight against us?" The face in the wall tried to seem calm, but he was met with a sense of intimidation, as if he didn't expect me to be back here in one piece. "We tried to be your friends in the beginning, and now look at you."
"You act like you're shocked at what I've become. Like you didn't instigate it." Pulled against the chain on my arms. I could feel them bend and squeal as the force of my heightened strength.
"You instigated your own downfall Thomas."
"I didn't fill my brothers head with ideas of world saving adventures and travels! I didn't ask to be against him in a life or death battle! You started that when you made him agree to his role as a ranger!"
"And you were the one to side with Rita." He started to get frustrated.
"It was the only way to stop Quinn from forgetting about me!!" I yelled. My cuffs snapped with ease and I rushed up to the wall. "I have done everything I could think of to get Quinn back! To make him remember that I'm trying to do something good!"
"Then why are you still working with Rita?"
"Because it's not just Rita now," I flicked my wrist.
Rita's staff materialized in my hand, a swirling green galaxy sat at its center. I turned and threw the point into the swirling yellow galaxy in the center of the room.
Zordon' wall exploded with movement as the morphing grid spazzed and glitched. A green vein of stars wound its way through the yellow galaxy like a virus. The staff disappeared after its work was started.
"I am just as powerful as her, and her lord."
"Then w-why do you stay?!" He sparked.
"Because when this all ends, I'm going to rule, and there is nothing they can do to stop me."

"Tommy!" Quinn jumped from the zord bay with Kimberly, their flying robots were probably the fastest ones and that meant the others would be here soon. "What did you do!"
"I have started a mission." I slouched my shoulders. My breathes ragged and heavy. "I'm going to help fix myself."
"You have started nothing but the beginning of the end! When Rita and Zedd find out about What you have done they will attack and try to conquer earth."
"Not unless I clean up loose ends." I growled. Kimberly ran to Zordon trying to find a way to save him.
"What are you planning Tommy?" Quinn's helmet folded back. "What do you think you can do to stop what you have already started?"
"I can kill them both, and I will be able to help fix this creature u have become and move forward." My helmet started to grow around my head. "But I can't do that if you are in my way."
"Tommy, please, just stop. Look what you have done! You almost killed Zordon! And now you're saying you're going to kill Rita and Zedd? You can't expect to do this alone!"
"I can damn well try."
Quinn's helmet folded over his scowling face and he got into a fighting stance.
"I won't let you kill yourself trying to fix what you have become."
"Then I guess you are in my way."
His sword materialized in his hand and he creeped forward. I extended my claws finger tips and advanced as well.
When his blade was inches from my torso he swung. At first it was wild swings that tried to knock me off balance. Then the blows and swipes became more flowing and followed each other almost as if it were all a single stroke. I blocked one of his downward blows and grabbed his wrist. I spun and back kicked the side of his helmet, sending him sprawling to the floor. His sword skirted to a stop a few feet away.
"I'm sorry Quinn," I turned to leave but stopped in my tracks. "Go to the top of the mountain, find me when everyone regroups, I'll be up there with Rita and Zedd in custody, or dead."
"Tommy," he started to get up. "Just think about this."
"I have, and I'm going to make things right." I started to walk away.
"Then why kill Zordon?!"
"They need to trust me in order for me to kill them with the least resistance."
"They will not fall easy Tommy, you know that."
"That's why I'm going alone, so no one gets caught in the crossfire."
"That's a flawed way to think." He started to head to Zordon, knowing he couldn't change my mind.
"I know, but that how I think now," then I ran to the entrance and headed up the mountain.

"My ranger, you have done well," Rita ran her hand along my armor. She hung around me for a few seconds until Zedd walked up to us, his immortal grin plastered to his grotesque face.
"It was sloppily done but you have done your job," he turned to look down at Angel grove. "Now it's my turn."
"We'll see about that." I whispered and flicked my wrist. My dragon dagger extended and punctured through Zedds chest, his blood running down his back in a dark crimson wave. He stood there unmoving. I pulled my dagger out and grabbed for his spear. His grip tightened and I struggled against his unmoving stance. After a struggle ended in vain I brought my dagger in a high slash, aiming for his neck. His hand shot up and grabbed the blade of my dagger. He then pulled back his spear and stabbed me through the abdomen. My vision flashed red and I crumpled before him.
"You're anger is what gives you strength Green Ranger." He crouched down. "Did you honestly believe you defeated me? I only let you so your anger and power could be tested. You aren't worthy of power over a world. That rests with the ones who seek power over life itself, ones who buy themselves over power, over gods. These people, like myself, are more than gods, and we are destined to rule or destroy civilizations. That is my purpose here. Yours, is to die as a heretic, and a lonely boy."
He rose his ripped spear and brought it down on both of my legs. The point tore at my muscles and spread blood over the dirt. Rita looked at me, a grin etched across her face. She planted her staff on the ground and Putty started to rise and congregate around her and Zedd.
"This world is ours now!" Zedd yelled at the Rita and the Putty. "I only tell you that it will not be here for long, so do your worst." The putty started to growl and squawk with gravely and churned voices. Most ran down the mountain towards Angel grove. At least ten stayed back with their masters.
Zedd reached down and grabbed my dragon dagger.
"We will use the dragon zord to pull the crystal free from Angel Grove. Then we will rule over life and death."
"I... W-won't let you get away with this." I started to crawl forward.
"You have no power over us," Zedd kicked the side of my head and I fell back. He motioned to the ten putty. "Kill him."

The Tale of The Dragon and The TigerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora