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So random update.

Ancano is a whiney little bastard who is so difficult to write. But because ILY Im trying to keep him in character and make a good story for him.

I have yet to meet him in this olay through. My character is not a mage, only knows a tiny bit of magic to gwt her through some fights.

Oh I married an Orc this time! Ghorbash (spell check?). I have to say he is the most encouraging husband I've had. He tells me I'm strong, to conquer my enemies and calls me love in the same sentence. He likes the house, and he is actually a nice guy. 10/10 husband.

Also I'm currently going through Dilplomatic Emunity and well its got interesting. The guard is giving the spy a little something right in the doorway of Rundil's office. Then when Elenwen gets to her bedroom, there is Rundil sprawled across her bed. Scantily dressed, holding a bottle of wine, and a sweetroll tucked in a very unmentional area.

I hope she enjoys my effort.

Also I saved Malborn only for him to die by a frost troll.

Yep, well any fun stories from you guys?

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