Chapter 3

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The page was dry beneath my fingers and it was made of a parchment, similar to the pages in the Book of Shadows. My fingers ran over the page to find that the first page was clean, and contained none of the symbolic language that I knew the book would probably be written in.

I turned the first page over to find a small introduction on the second page of the book. Running my fingers over the symbols, I could feel the dents they had made on the page since this book had been entirely handwritten. I bet someone had a massive hand cramp afterwards. The symbols stood out against the page since they were dark red in colour, while the page was a yellowing beige colour.

"This book contains the prophecies that were made by the first Oracle, who was powerful enough to see so many prophecies at once. It contains the destinies of many people and is being constantly written all of the time. If the person you seek is a powerful enough being then it is likely they will be in here." I read aloud so that the boys would understand. I read the symbols at the same time that I ran my fingers along them and I frowned slightly. Okay, so why would I want to find a person? I found that strange but mentally shrugged and turned the page over again to find that the next page was a sort of contents page.

The page was strange though, as it didn't fit the make of a contents page. Instead of giving a vague idea of what would be in the book it just had a list of names that meant nothing and there were no page numbers beside the names, so anyone reading the book wouldn't know where to turn to, to read a particular prophecy.

"Okay so this is a sort of contents page, but it has lists of names" I said as I ran my eyes over the symbols to see that it was an alphabetical list of surnames of witches over the years. I shrugged and turned the pages over until I came to the surnames beginning with 'h'.

It didn't take me long to find the surname Halliwell/Warren on the list, but I had no idea how far along in the book it would be. I bit my lip before running my fingertips over the symbols that spelt out the name Halliwell. As I did so the symbols felt warm against my fingertips. I frowned at this before opening my mouth.

"Halliwell" I whispered, focusing on the symbols that I could feel against my skin. I felt a tugging sensation on the book and quickly removed my hands, holding them in the air as the pages in the book flipped over before stopping. I frowned before realising that the book was magical after all, but this was mainly due to the symbols because the symbols were written, not in a red ink but in the blood of whoever had recorded the prophecies. This is what gave the book its magical wards and its ability to be 'constantly written all of the time.' I grimaced at the fact that I had been touching some dead demon's blood.

Chris and Wyatt leaned closer to me as I read the pages. There was so much information on the Halliwell and Warren line that it took up about six pages. The name 'Halliwell' was written at the top of the very first page in black spiral handwriting, but it was in English, whereas the information on the Halliwells was in the demonic language. I frowned but quickly scanned over the information that I already knew.

"Okay so the first pages already tell us what we know. It starts off with your ancestor Melinda Warren and the prophecy she made about 'the three sister witches that would be the most powerful witches the world had ever seen.' The next page goes on to talk about all of the good they would do before it tells the prophecy of Wyatt's birth and how magic would die on February twenty-second until he was born. Then it prophesises Chris' birth and how Leo would have to do an act of great evil so that Chris would be born into a normal world. It doesn't say much about Melinda, just that she would be born in a swirl of bright light, which I think was because of the meteor on her birthday. What I find interesting is that it prophesises me coming into your family and how I would help you. But I can't read anything else because the symbols have faded, all I know is that Chris and I are linked, but it just says to see Anderson" I shrugged and looked up at the boys, both of whom were frowning.

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