Chapter 36

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Biting my lip, Harry and I looked at each other before I winced as I caught my split lip.

"Well Harry and I haven't been totally honest with you" I said turning back to Chris and the Halliwells. I saw their faces fall and I rubbed the back of my neck. "-you see there is one final part of the plan that needs to be uncovered" I shrugged and watched as Wyatt ran a hand over his face. I grinned at how uncomfortable he was feeling. I jolted in surprise before frowning at Wyatt.

He raised his eyebrows questioningly but I ignored him, instead focusing on his face. I saw worry there before I felt it in my heart and gut, as though the worry was something that I was feeling. Tilting my head I continued studying Wyatt and as each second passed I found that I was able to feel more of his emotions. Worry and fear at what the final phase of the plan could be as well as the trust he felt since he trusted that the plan wouldn't involve any of us getting killed. Mostly though I felt the love he felt for me, his family and Amy and I smiled at the fact that his feelings for Amy were growing. He knew that she wouldn't hurt him, and he loved her too much to hurt her. I grinned and started bouncing on the balls of my feet, which in turn earned me startled looks from the Halliwells.

I turned to Chris and looked into his eyes before I was bombarded by his love for me and how happy he was at the fact that we could finally get on with our lives. Lives which included each other. I also heard his thoughts, and the fact that he'd made a promise to himself to never let me go again. We smiled at each other.

I love you so much Chris I thought and pushed my thoughts too him, the way I would usually have done. It took a lot of focus on my part, as well as a lot of time, but eventually Chris received the thought. His face glowed when her heard me.

"Seems you're recovering quickly love" he said walking over to me and placing his hands on my waist. I nodded at him before answering the questioning gazes that were burning my back.

"Sorry guys, I've just found out that the bonds are back. After two days of living without feeling the boys I felt that Wyatt was shit scared" I said grinning at Wyatt over Chris' shoulder. This announcement made him glare at me. Harry cleared his throat.

"Oh right" I said and moved away from Chris before looking at Harry, trying to figure out how this would work.

"Wyatt can you sense any of my demonic power?" I asked him and he looked shocked before he scratched his head while focusing on me. After a few seconds he shook his head.

"No Lila. Why?" he asked and I went to twirl a piece of hair around my finger before realising that it wouldn't work. The potion had singed my hair and so I'd had to get it cut much shorter so that it would grow back healthy. Chris and Melinda had said how they liked my new short hair, but everyone agreed that they missed my trade mark long curly hair. Sighing I looked at Harry before we shrugged.

"I can shimmer us there" he said and I grinned at him before nodding.

"Right so the final part of the plan we cooked up means we have to go back to the Underworld" I sighed as I saw everyone freeze.

"Oh please, I thought we'd established that I'm not going to kill you" I said looking at each person individually.

"That's fine Lila" Chris said before glaring at Wyatt when he went to interrupt. "-what do we have to do?" he asked looking at me. I stroked his cheek lovingly as I answered him.

"Well since I can't shimmer Harry will have to. Can you track our shimmering?" I asked and Wyatt nodded, "-great do that but be careful, I have no idea if there will be any demons there" I shrugged and everyone nodded.

"Okay who's going?" Piper asked just as Caleb and Derren orbed into the Manor. They smiled at us, before Caleb nodded at me.

"I was thinking just Harry, Wyatt, Mel, Chris and I. If it's possible Derren can you please keep an eye on us in case we need help?" I asked and Derren nodded.

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