Chapter 8

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My eyes flew open and I gasped. I felt strange as though I hadn't slept and had been deprived of oxygen. Even I had trouble understanding that, and believe me I understand a lot of strange things. I was about to close my eyes to go back to sleep when I realised why my heart felt like someone was stabbing it with pins. Darien was the reason. Well part of the reason.

I couldn't let the Halliwells die no matter what happened, I couldn't let them die at the hands of Darien and his demons, but then again I didn't want to be the reason for Chris' pain, since he would be the only survivor. Stupid prophecies and stupid demons and stupid me! God why was this happening? I was a good person, did I not deserve to at least have a happy life where I don't kill people?! I started hyperventilating and turned so that I was looking at Chris.

During the night he had turned over so that he was facing me. He looked peaceful and there was a light smile on his face. At least one of us would have a good sleep tonight. I sighed and watched his face twitch as he dreamed. He wiggled his nose before smiling again and I couldn't help but smile back. It was times like this when I glimpsed him as a child again. He had his moments when he was awake but whenever I watched him sleep I had a sudden urge to wrap him up and for the both of us to just stay in bed all of the time, not leaving each other's side.

My eyes widened as I realised that if I did that then Chris was in danger. My fiancé and the love of my life would get hurt because I knew the demons wouldn't care about the prophecy, I knew they would kill him. My dream showed me that they would. I couldn't let him get hurt because of something so stupid, especially when I could prevent it. There was no way I was going to let his family die. Piper, Leo, Mel and Wyatt: my family for so many reasons. If it wasn't for them I have no idea what I would be doing at this point in time. I probably would be a demon fighting against the Halliwells instead of with them. I sighed and felt my throat tighten. I tried to swallow and felt that it made me feel sick.

Quietly I slid out of bed and reached into the bedside table for a pen and a piece of paper. I knew that I would have to go with Darien. I didn't like the idea that much but I knew that I would have to go with him so that I could keep those that I loved safe. It was my fault that my mom had died, she had died because of me and I'd even managed to kill my demon father and half-brother. If there was one thing I had promised myself in the last sixteen years it was to protect my loved ones at all costs, even if that meant giving my own life for them to survive. I knew that I would honour that vow. I gulped again and turned to the pad of paper that was lying on top of the table.

Blinking against my tears I scribbled on the sheet, trying to keep my handwriting legible but having trouble even seeing what I was writing because the tears filled up my eyes. My chest constricted as I realised what I was doing. I was going to leave everyone behind and because of this letter that I was writing they wouldn't come looking for me and so would hate me forever. Then again I suppose that would be best. If they ever did come looking for me I knew that I would leave the Underworld and re-join the Halliwells, and I couldn't risk that.

I took a deep breath and scrunched up the paper before writing on the next sheet since I couldn't even read my own writing. I hated doing this but I would have to make the letter sound horrible so that they would all believe me, even Chris. That hurt the most knowing that in time Chris would believe what I'd wrote.

'By the time you read this I will be gone. I'm sorry that I left like this but I knew that if I told you in person you all would've tried to persuade me that I was doing the wrong thing. I'm following my heart and it never leads me wrong. It led me to you guys didn't it? Never forget the good times we had and as hard as this will be please don't hate me, I beg you. In time you will understand why this couldn't be avoided, but even I cannot cheat fate, no matter what I tell you, destiny cannot be avoided when you've re-written it already.

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