Chapter 28

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I was tied to a chair with ropes wound around my waist, wrists and ankles to restrict my movement. Every time I tried to move the ropes would dig into my skin, drawing blood and my wrists were now covered in dried blood, it made me feel quite ill. There was a nagging feeling in my gut but I didn't feel scared, if anything I felt nervous, as though I was waiting for some sort of information.

A light flickered on opposite me and I squinted against it as the brightness made my eyes feel like they were burning. When I was finally able to look at the light without having to look away I saw that the light was in fact coming from on old television set that was probably used in the 1950's, it had large dials on and looked to be a dark brown in colour but I couldn't tell because apart from the light it emanated I was in pitch darkness.

Finally the television set switched from a bright white light to having images flitter across. The first looked as though it was slightly old.

I saw the Underworld as it probably had been when I was about fifteen. There were a few demons clustered around a circular tub that contained shimmering water, but I noticed that the water also had images in it, it was as though the water was being used as a scrying bowl, where witches were able to see what they wanted to see. I hummed to myself in thought, did this mean that demons could use water, or any liquid in the same way, to be able to see what they wanted to? I shook my head and focused on the screen.

The water showed a figure wearing a hooded cloak, actually it reminded me slightly of the grim reaper, just without the scythe. I couldn't see a face but could hear it giving orders.

"You must kill as many magical beings as you can and steal their powers. Then give the powers to me, it's the only way I can become strong enough again so that I can escape this wretched place" the voice said and I saw that the figure was male. Now why would this figure need to steal powers from other beings? He was obviously powerful enough already if he was able to give orders. Then I frowned as the voice sounded familiar, but my brain wasn't quick enough registering it. I swallowed, my throat feeling dry as two out of the three demons clustered around the bowl spoke.

"Yes my Lord" the one on the left said and the figure in the water nodded.

"Terfius, Drogba you may go now" the figure ordered and they bowed before shimmering out.

Wait a minute! Terfius and Drogba, as in the demons that had been ordered by the Source to kill magical beings and steal their powers? Does this mean that the cloaked figure in the bowl of water was the Source? If so then that was weird because they weren't exactly upper level demons, and it was usually only powerful upper level demons that saw, or even spoke directly to the Source of all Evil. My father was one of those upper level demons, because once upon a time he had been the Source's adviser.

When Terfius and Drogba had shimmered out of the tiny room that contained this circular tub the final demon nodded and the cloaked figure threw back the hood to reveal his face. I gasped and nearly choked on my saliva.

The figure in the cloak who had been giving orders had black eyes, which was normal for most demons and wavy brown hair. There was a burn on his left temple and he had the same cheekbones as me. The hooded figure was none other than my father. Did this mean that he had been alive enough to give orders when I was fifteen? I mean I knew he hadn't actually died, but I had no idea he was still able to communicate with anyone unless they could see ghosts, which thanks to my element spirit I was able to do.

When I was sixteen, I'd learned that when I thought I killed my father ten years before, I actually hadn't. I hadn't been powerful enough to vanquish him, instead I'd sent his body to the demonic wasteland but my father had lost his powers. He'd remained there for ten years, building up his powers again before sending a demon called Jaggier to marry me. When I'd refused my father had then given Jaggier his powers to vanquish me, ending in him dying, though obviously I hadn't been vanquished myself seeing as how I was still alive.

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