Chapter 5

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"Lila are you okay? You seem slightly on edge" Chris asked me and I shrugged.

"Yeah I think I'm okay it's just that I have a bad feeling" I replied and Chris' arms wrapped around me from behind.

We were currently sitting on the couch watching some random film that was on one of the channels, though I wasn't really watching it. My mind was too busy thinking about what had happened today. First there was the book and the fact that it had wards around it and that it held prophecies about virtually any family of witches that had been foreseen centuries ago. There was also something very unsettling about the news report that I had watched a few minutes ago and I knew that it was the start of something.

"Try not to worry too much Lila. We'll figure it out tomorrow" Chris said and I leaned against him since I was sitting in between his legs.

"Okay I'll try" I replied just as the door opened and I heard Piper, Leo and Melinda talking about something.

"Lila" Melinda exclaimed happily as she walked into the living room. I knew her parents were probably badgering her about something and she was hoping that I would provide a distraction where she could escape from them. I grinned at her, telling her that she was on her own, just as I felt a stirring in the air that seemed slightly off. I bolted forwards and sat on the edge of the couch.

I frowned to myself as I tried to understand what I was feeling but even I didn't know myself.

"Lila what's happening?" Piper asked and I turned to see that she was frozen in the doorway.

"What do you mean?" I asked her just as a wind started blowing around the room, whipping my hair across my face.

The power of the wind grew to the point that it lifted me from my place on the edge of the couch and placed me lightly on my feet. The tables in the room started to shake with the force of the wind until finally the power grew so much that the wind made a whistling sound. I started to feel so hot, as though I was coming down with a fever, but I quickly began to understand that my body was reacting to what was happening, as though it knew what to expect.

The whistling sound that the wind was making grew in volume and pitch until it sounded like a banshee screaming. My heart rate increased and my palms started sweat in fear. I had no idea what was happening and from the looks on Piper, Leo, Mel and Chris' faces they had no idea either.

Finally the wind drew inwards until it centred around me and whipped up a tornado, with me and the living room table in the middle. The air turned black and I had trouble seeing outside of it, but I was well aware of everyone else in the room.

"Lila" Chris called, and felt him trying to get to me, but I heard a crash when the force of the tornado flung him off his feet and threw him into a wall.

"Chris" I called in panic, worrying about his well-being and was about to make my way out of the tornado when it changed again.

The tornado moved from me to the table, allowing me to see again. I turned to my left and looked through the doorway to see that Chris was back on his feet and was walking towards me from the hall. He smiled at me and I hurried over to him so that we stood in the doorway before he pulled me into him.

"Are you okay?" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"I'm fine-" he replied, "-I was more worried about you." This caused me to chuckle slightly and he released me. When he did I turned around to see that the mini tornado was losing power and beginning to break away slightly and lose its power.

Within seconds it had gone and the living room was the same as what it had been moments before, except the tornado had left something on the table. Something that was glinting and made me think of how the sun hits water or maybe how a piece of jewellery picks up sunlight.

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