Chapter 1: The Perfect Dress

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At Alfea, classes are over. Finally, after a year full of adventures, dangers, and spells, summer break is here. For Hajari and his friends in the Squadd Bunch, it is time to say goodbye.

At Alfea, in the Squadd's apartment, Hajarianna is packing two suitcases using magic to fold her clothes. Musa has her bags packed already and so does Willow. Hajari is sitting down upset because he got into an argument with Bloom. Michael is being helped by Chatson to sort his clothes and Kajari is using the computer to sort his clothes just by typing in codes and magically sorting his clothes.

"I'll take this dress to Aunt Luna's and I'll take this dress to Uncle Radius'," Hajarianna says as she packs her clothes.  "No wait! I need that red dress for Aunt Luna's picnic. Aw, but then I'll need that dress for Uncle Radius' royal parade."

"The red dress is really pretty, Hajarianna," says Amouray.

"True. I should probably wear it to Aunt Luna's garden tea party too. Do you know how to clone a dress?"

"Nope, sorry."

Musa gets up from sitting on a bunch of boxes and intervenes with Hajarianna's packing. "Hajarianna, stop worrying and just split your stuff in half, then wear whatever's with you."

"Wear whatever? Have you lost your mind?"

"Okay, the big potions go in the big bag and the floral potions go in the small one," Michael says to Chatson as Chatson packs his bags for him.

"Alrighty no problem, Michael," Chatson replied.

Michael turns to Hajari, who is upset.

"I just said goodbye to Bloom," Hajari said.

"Vacation will go by really fast, Hajari," Michael replied. 

"I know it won't be that long, Michael. But we just fought and I don't want to leave things like that. Maybe I should call her."

"Twenty-two percent of clothes in this suitcase and sixty-six percent of clothes in that one! Magisend!" Kajari says as he finishes packing his clothes.

"Two perfectly packed suitcases," says Digit.

"Technology does it again. Come on, let's go," Kajari says as he walks out the room carrying his suitcases.

Outside, the Squadd are walking through the courtyard carrying their luggage with their Pixies.

"Musa and I can give you a hand with all of your stuff, Hajari," said Willow.

"No thanks. Watch this. Luggage follow me!" Hajari says as he uses telekinesis to carry his luggage in the air.

"So what are you and Musa gonna do all this summer?" Hajarianna asks Willow.

"Well today we're heading to the beach for a swim," Willow replied.

"It's a perfect day for it," Musa adds. 

Nobody is paying attention while Lockson is trying to carry Hajarianna's luggage, but he cannot so he accidentally drops it, all three of her suitcases.

"Oh no, my suitcases!" Hajarianna cried.

"Don't worry, I got it!" Willow says as she jumps in the air and catches two of the luggage on her arms and the last on her leg.  "One, two, and three!" she says. Willow then loses her balance and falls back and the suitcases open and they all fly out and are all unfolded again.

"Oh no! It took me forever to split my clothes between my aunt's bag and my uncle's bag!" Hajarianna shouts as she growls at everyone and everyone starts laughing at her.

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