Chapter 6: Willow's Courage

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Willow has lost her sight in the fight against Theo, in the water world of Andros, but who is the mysterious sorcerer? And what is his link with Hajari?

On a night, at Alfea, Hajarianna is in her room pacing back and forth as all the Pixies and Kiko are sitting on the bed watching her.

"Why did I let them go to Andros without me. What was I thinking?" she asks herself.

"You were thinking they were powerful and strong enough to handle this on their own," says Amouray.

"Then I must have been crazy and even crazier, my BFFs are on Andros and my father is under Kassandra's evil spell. I'm confused, powerless, and I don't know what to do."

Piff speaks gibberish to Hajarianna and she just starts chuckling at the baby pixie. Someone knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" Hajarianna asked.

"It's me, Griselda, open the door!" 

"What am I gonna do?" Hajarianna thought.

"I want to know if is everything alright. You all missed class again today. None of you reported to the nurses office."

"Transform, pronto!" Hajarianna says to the Pixies as they transform into their bonded fairies and Kiko transforms into Michael.

"What are you kids up to in there?" Griselda asked.

"Up to? Nothing," Hajarianna casts a spell and makes it look like the 'Squadd' have chicken pox.

Hajarianna opens the door. "Only a horrible case of chicken pox can keep us out of bed. See it's very contagious, but the good news the recovery time is short."

"For your sake, I hope so," Griselda replied.

The five fake Squadds wave at Griselda.

"Okay, goodnight," Hajarianna shuts the door and Griselda raises one eyebrow.

Hajarianna leans her back against the wall and falls to the floor in relief that Griselda once again bought her little trick. "That was close," she said. 

That same day on an island in Andros, it is morning because Andros is a far different time zone than Magix. The Squadd are on the island comforting Willow because of her blindness.

"Don't worry, Willow. We'll find a way to break Theo's spell. His magic is strong, but we're stronger," Hajari said.

"I'll be stuck like this for the rest of my life," said Willow.

"No, you won't. You're our friend and apart of the Squadd, you're never stuck," says Michael.

Hajari smiles and holds Willow's hand. "Except with each other."

"That's right you're stuck with us," said Michael.

"Yeah, all of us," Kajari says as he and the other boys group hug Willow and Musa looks at the ocean and sees bubbles coming towards her.

"Heads up, Squadd. We've got company," says Musa.

All the Squadd, except Willow, get in fight mode as a mermaid comes out the water, but she looks innocent. She looks a lot like Willow, except that she is a mermaid and she was red hair and her skin is more tan.

"A mermaid? But without Theo's mark, which means she's not under his control," said Hajari.

The mermaid puts her hands up."I mean you no harm, Fairies of Alfea."

"That voice, I know you," says Willow. Willow walks up to the mermaid as Michael holds her hand, then she holds the mermaid's hand. "Is that you, Daisy?"

Squadd Bunch 3: Hajari's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now