Chapter 25: Theo's Fury

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The Three Ancestral Witches told Hajari that his parents are still alive, exiled somewhere in the infinite magic universe and then hope revives in Hajari.

In Faragonda's office, on a warm Sunday morning, Hajari and the Squadd meet with Faragonda.

"Ms. Faragonda, we want to go after Theo," Hajari said angrily.

"We think he's getting weak," said Hajarianna.

"And now that we have the Water Stars, we think we can destroy him,"  said Musa.

"Squadd, he may be weak, but remember he still has the spells he's stolen," Faragonda said as she is sitting down at her desk, then she gets up and looks out the giant window behind her.

"But I just know we can do this," Hajari said.

"A monster like Theodor can become ferocious when he's cornered. It's too dangerous," Faragonda. 

In Theo's hideout...

"No one can stop me!" Theo said.

"Really? Because I'm not so sure," said Sun-Hi.

"Yeah. No offense, but those Water Stars totally knocked you right on your ass," said Jodi.

"Maybe you should look for some stronger spells to use," said Corki.

Theo just stares at the three witches with a blank face.

"Yeah you're like an old dog who needs to learn some new tricks," Sun-Hi said.

The Trix all evilly laugh at Theo.

Theo gets mad with a crooked face. "Be quiet!" he shouts and he blasts all three Trix up against the rocky walls. Then, he walks up to Sun-Hi. Sun-Hi starts shaking and nervously looking at him when his eyes start glowing red. "!! The most powerful wizard in the whole entire magical universe, do not dare to challenge me!" Theo transforms from a handsome teenage-looking boy to a monstrous black werewolf beast with black angel wings.

"Okay okay, dude, we get it," said Sun-Hi.

"Well-er let you-uh go and do your thing," Jodi said nervously.

"Just yell if you need us," said Corki.

The Trix starts running away. Theo starts growling.

In another part of the hideout...

"Woah! That was not cool," said Sun-Hi.

"So rude!" Corki said.

"Yeah and to think I had a crush on him," Jodi said.

"Trix, face it. We have a really bad taste when it comes to guys. First Darkar, now Theo. We keep teaming up with losers," Sun-Hi said.

"I...I am not a loser," Theo said coming out of nowhere, still in his monstrous form. "I'll show you how powerful I really am!"

Theo and the Trix with the Agadore box teleport out of the hideout to Lake Rochaluce.

"Everyone who ever wronged me is going to pay!"Theo opens his golden box and out of it floats a ball with water, earth, fire, and air inside it. "This is the greatest spell in the universe. Fire, water, wind, and earth! Do as I say!"

The spell falls into the water.

"Is that it?" asked Sun-Hi.

"No! Water to Cloudtower!" 

The whole entire lake's water turns into a water tornado and starts spinning away to Cloudtower in the sky.  "Wind to Red Fountain!"  A tornado starts spinning towards Red Fountain. "Fire to Alfea!" Theo sets Gloomy Wood's trees on fire.  And earth to Magix!" Magix City starts having earthquakes and the ground starts crumbling. The ground starts opening everywhere. Then, Theo turns back to the Trix. "Now tell me. Who's the loser?"

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