Chapter 18: The Musuem Of Magic

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In the Omega Dimension, Hajari and Bloom found Kajari. Together, they saved their friends from the predators and returned to Alfea. The Squadd Bunch is finally reunited.

That same night, from returning from the Omega Dimension, everyone is asleep. Hajari and Michael are talking.

"I'm really glad to be back at Alfea. It's like I never left," says Hajari. "I love you guys and Bloom so much. You guys are like my second home. You guys are like my family. And with Kajari back, we're the Squadd Bunch again."

"You're right, Hajari. Because together we're strong and we can face anything," says Michael.

"Or anyone, like Theo."

"Forget about him. Right now I'm more worried about that training session with have with Ms. Griselda tomorrow morning."

"Between Theo, training sessions, and Griselda, when am I supposed to find time for Bloom?"

"Well call her now."

"Seriously? I couldn't. It's too late."

"It's never too late for love and maybe she's thinking of you."

"You're right." Hajari dials Bloom's number and she does not answer. Hajari sadly throws his phone on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Michael frowned.

"I got her voicemail saying she is out. I wonder what she could possibly be doing."

Meanwhile at Cloudtower, Bloom and a squad of Specialists are on a mission to save a group of wizards and witches. They use all their coy techniques, not to get caught by Theo.

"B team, get in position," Tecna says on the ship speaking to Bloom through headphones as Bloom is sneaking through the corridors of the school.

Bloom and the squad barge through a door and find a group of fatigue witches and wizards.

"Mission accomplished. We have found the witches," Bloom said.

"This is the B team. No sign of Theo," Brandon said.

"Ah, the sweet smell of victory. Would someone get Headmaster Saladin and Griffin on the line?"

In Ms. Griffin's office, Griffin and Saladin are meeting while the Specialists, bringing the fatigue witches and wizards to her.

"So it's true. Theo has escaped," Griffin said.

"Yes, but at least you have control of Cloudtower," said Saladin.

"He emptied our spell vault and we have to get it back from him before he uses it against us," says Griffin.

"Ms. Griffin, we are so sorry. We had no idea Theo was using us," said Lucy.

"Our powers are proven to be totally useless against Theo," said a witch. "And what's worst, We ended up working for him."

"Don't worry. I'm not blaming you. You were under the spell of a extremely of a truly powerful enemy. Your actions were not your fault, but with the help of our friends at Alfea, and the Specialists, we will prevail over Theodor."

On a flying sailboat, Faragonda, Griselda, Wiz-Kiz, and the Squadd are standing transparent to another sailboat where Palladium is standing with a bunch of red-orange monsters.

"Okay. I am all for higher education, but this is ridiculous," says Hajarianna.

"This is awesome. This is Ms. Faragonda's training session. For Enchantix Fairies to exercise their true power," says Kajari.

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