Chapter 7: Heroes Of The Past

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The Squadd saved the queen mermaid of Andros. Willow sacrificed herself for the queen, discovering the magic of Enchantix, and became a stronger magic fairy.

One cloudless sunny day, on a planet full of cherry blossoms and pagodas and happy civilians. People are celebrating with fireworks eating dumplings and rice cakes with chopsticks. Kids are running around playing and others are watching a dragon parade. A couple, from out of the planet, come and are welcomed by two men wearing komodo robes and waving with fans.

"Greetings and welcome. Welcome to Junchiyu, the second most enchanted kingdom in the entire Magic Dimension," the two men say as they point to the scenery of the civilians. "The perfect resort for your perfect holiday."

The sky turns dark gray.

"What's this? It's clouding up," the man of the couple says. "Impossible there aren't clouds here."

Lightning shoots from these dark clouds and out the clouds comes Theo and the Trix. The lady of the couple holds onto her husband in fear.

"W-who are you?" the husband asks nervously.

"My name is Theo."

"But you can call him master," says Sun-Hi.

Around that same time at Alfea, it is just a normal day. The students are on campus going to class until they crowd up and see something astonishing that grabbed their eyes. They were highly astonished by what is meant to be a fairy. It was Willow in her sparkly new form as an Enchantix Fairy and yet blind as a bat. The Squadd are standing beside her.

"Thank goodness. We made it back safe and sound," Hajari said.

Griselda pushes through the crowd furiously with her hands folded."There you are, senior students. You have some explaining to do about your unauthorized absence."

"Yes, I know. Sorry, Ms. Griselda. But first, Willow needs help."

Griselda peers at Willow and then looks away in stigma as she sees Willow's eyes are only white and no pupils.

So, Griselda and the fairies walk to Faragonda's office. Hajarianna runs in barging noisily through the golden doors of the principal's office with all of the Pixies.

"Come in, Hajarianna. You're just in time to see some magic at work," Faragonda said.

Hajarianna lightly gasps and stands next to the Squadd. "What has happened to Willow?"

Faragonda holds an enchanted blue-green-looking bottle in front of Willow's face. "Something terrible, yet something truly wonderful. Willow has been blinded by Theo's spell, but she has also achieved her final fairy form. She is now an Enchantix. Theo's spell is powerful, but you are now stronger enough to break it, Willow. You have the power of the fairy dust. It's magic energy in your new wings, you can feel it if you concentrate."

Willow's wings start flapping and shimmering with blue-green fairy dust.

"You should be able to feel it all around you now and you don't need your eyes to see it."

Willow closes her eyes showing her yellow-green eye shadow and then she sprinkles fairy dust on her eyes. When she opens her eyes she can see better than she did before. The colors are more vivid and her optics is clearer. Her eyes are a blue color with a pupil and iris anew. All of the Squadd gasps. Willow transforms back into a human. "I can see. I can see!" Willow cheered.

Everyone runs up to their beautiful brunette friend and the group hugs her.

"The fairy dust can break through most dark spells. It's one of the new powers you have as an Enchantix," says Faragonda.

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