Chapter 24: Seeking The Truth

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Hajari discovered that his birth parents, Oritel and Marion, are trapped by a spell inside Theodor's body. Who will help Hajari make his most difficult decision?

At Alfea, Hajari is walking through the hallways, wondering about what Theo told him in the library. Is it true? Are Hajari's parents locked inside the boy's body?

"Is it true? Is Theo telling the truth? Did Theo really cast an absorption spell and trap my parents inside his body after his battle with The Company of Light? It's possible, but Theo's such a sneak. How can I believe him? But if it's true that I destroy Theo, then I could destroy my parents. Forever!"

Theo's marks start appearing all over the floor. Hajari starts running through the hallways. The students start transforming into Theo all around Hajari. Hajari then finds his friends.

"You'd never know who you could trust, Hajari. Trust or believe? That is the question. Wish I could help you answer it, but I don't have a clue. Why don't you ask Ms. Faragonda," Hajarianna said.

Hajari then appears in a dark blue surrounding as he runs up long dark wooden steps to a green door and he busts in and a white flash of light appears. A brown door appears. Hajari touches it and another light appears and Hajari is standing in front of a purple curtain. He walks through and finds Faragonda standing before him, but she is not facing him.

"I'm sorry, Hajari. I cannot help you. I wasn't there during the final part of the fight between Theo and your parents and I don't know what happened," she said.

Hajari sees a picture of Theo falling through the floor and he runs to it to try and hold it up, but he is not managing.

"I don't know if Theo was telling you the truth or not. It could very well be another one of his tricks he's trying to use against you," Faragonda continued. 

"The first time I met Theo, I felt a powerful connection. Probably because we're both connected through the Dragon Flame!" Hajari cried.  Hajari lets go of the picture and the picture disappears through the floor. Another picture appears and it is Hajari's birth parents. That picture is falling through the floor. "Marion and Oritel!" Hajari cried. Hajari tries to hold up the picture, but he can't. "But what if the connection I felt was really my parents and they were trying to communicate with me through Theo? Maybe they were crying out for help." Hajari lets go and lets the picture fall through the floor. Hajari falls back on a chair and Faragonda disappears, but her voice still lingers.

"You can't help them and I can't help you," she said.

The ancestral witches start flying and spinning around Hajari. Then, flashes of his family, his adopted family, and friends just start coming.

"No! No! Go away!" he cries. Then, after a white light flashes and Hajari is in his bed. He is shouting out loud as he is tossing and turning. 

Michael tries to wake him up and calm him down. "Hajari? Hajari? Wake up! Come on, bro, you're having a bad dream," Michael said.

Hajari finally jumps up and wakes up. "Go away! Leave me alone!"

"It's okay. It was just a dream."

"I was dreaming about Theo! I can't get him out of my head! I'm afraid I might lose everything because of him!"

Michael hands Hajari a glass of water. 

Hajari sips some of it. "Oh, Michael, I know I have to stop him and I have no choice, but if I do I might never get to know my birth parents!"

The other Squadds come into the two boys' room.

"Hey, what are you two doing up? If this is a pajama party, we are totally crashing," said Musa. "But where are the snacks and the tunes?"

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