Chapter 3: The Monster's Escape

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Sanaa's magic has transformed Hajarianna into a monster. The party for the fairy of the Shining Sun has ended for good and there's no way out for her or the Squadd.

Brandon and Bloom are running back to ship and are going to wait for the Squadd to make it out of the palace.

"Any sign of the Squadd? Do you think they'll make it out of the palace in time?" asked Brandon.

"Of course. The question is when and how much of the palace will be left?" says Bloom.

Back in the aviary tower, the guards are on the escalator and the guards are getting ready to shield themselves from Hajari's firewall.

"Prepare for impact!" one of the guards said.

"Hurry up! The soldiers are catching up with us fast!" Hajari says as he commands the Squadd to fly faster.

The Squadd reaches the top of the tower and there is a door to get into the main level. Musa uses a sonic blast and blasts the door down and the Squadd makes it through and they land on the floor. The guards catch up to the Squadd and have them cornered with their rifles getting ready to shoot.

"This ends right here, right now!" says the soldier.

"Come on boys and girls! Let's book!" Hajari says.

"Get the monster now! It'll tell us what it did with Princess Hajarianna!"

The guards shoot at Hajarianna, but Hajarianna backs up and falls out the window screaming and crying.

"Oh no!" cries Musa.

Kajari blocks the soldiers' attack with a firewall. Hajari jumps out the window and Michael casts a spell on Hajari to increase his strength.

"Take that!" Michael says.

Hajari catches Hajarianna by one arm, but it is hard to hold her up.

"Ugh, this rain is dark magic!" Hajari says as he struggles to hold Hajarianna's hand. "It's hard to hold on."

Hajarianna slips out of Hajari's hand and Hajarianna falls from the air again.

"Hajarianna! Squadd, help me!" Hajari cried.

Musa, Michael, and Kajari fly out the window. "We're coming!"

Hajari catches Hajarianna by the arm and the other three Squadd members hold her up.

"Convergence Spell!" all the Squadd say so they can lightly float down to the ground with Hajarianna.

"We did it! Even in this crazy rain," says Musa.

"Yeah, that was too close for comfort, Squadd. Any closer and we've might've all gone splat," says Kajari.

"I wish I had gone splat. Look at me, I'm a monster," Hajarianna says as she sheds tears in her eyes.

Hajari hugs Hajarianna. "Don't worry, Hajarianna. We'll get you back to your real self, you'll see," he says.

"All the brochures about Sunny Solaria never mentioned this dark rain thingy," says Michael.

"I wanna know who did this to me and why it's raining in Solaria for the first time in forever!" Hajarianna says as she starts to cry.

"Don't worry, we'll figure out who's behind this, Hajarianna," Hajari says.

"You guys alright?" asked Brandon.

Hajarianna hides behind a tree because she does not want Brandon to see how she looks.

"I don't want him to see me like this," Hajarianna says to the Squadd.

"Is everything alright?" Hajari asks Bloom.

Squadd Bunch 3: Hajari's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now