Chapter 11: Facing The Enemy

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After conquering Cloudtower Castle, Theo unleashed a sorcerers' attack against Alfea. The Squadd and their classmates repelled the attack, but Headmistress Faragonda has gone missing.

At Alfea, in Mirta's apartment, Mirta is looking at a picture of her and Lucy together, trying to understand why her best friend would attack Alfea.

"Oh, Lucy. Why did you attack us? What made you do it?" Mirta places the picture down on her desk. Then, she walks up to the window and looks out of it and sees the Squadd leaving through the courtyard and walking out the entrance. The Squadd stop walking until they get outside the gate of the school.

"Boys and girls, use your spells wisely and find Faragonda. Fly safely," Griselda says worried.

"Okay, here's what we know. Faragonda and Theo were last seen heading to Gloomy Wood Forest," Hajari said, pointing straight because the forest is right in front of the school.

"Well, that's not much to go on. Gloomy Wood's huge. Do you know how long it will take for us to search the whole thing?" Michael said putting his arms above his head.

"It will take five weeks, five days, and fourteen point two minutes," Kajari says as he uses his tablet.

"Wow. Then, I guess we better get started, come on," Musa says as they start walking towards the forest, but then Hajari stops them.

"Wait! Has anyone seen the Pixies?" Hajari asked.

"Yeah, it has been a while. I told them that we were doing some detective work and they all just disappeared," Willow says as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Did someone say, detectives?" Lockson asks.

The Pixies are all dressed up as Little Sherlock Holmeses.

"The Pixies are on the case and ready for action," said Tune.

Chatson pulls out a magnifying glass. "Ready to follow the clues to Ms. Faragonda!"

In Ms. Griffin's office at Cloudtower, Theo is scolding the Trix for not getting the secret spells from Alfea.

"So we didn't the spells from Alfea, but the good news is neither did the Squadd," says Corki.

"Yeah, we barbecued their library and their spells," says Jodi.

"Easy does it. If I were you I wouldn't be so confident," Theo says.

"Why not? That place was smoking hot when we left," Corki replies.

"There's probably nothing left of Alfea, but a pile of ashes. You should be thanking us," says Sun-Hi.

Theo angrily points to Sun-Hi. "Thanks to you, I am right back where I started!"

"Wait, what do you mean? I absolutely have no idea what you're talking about."

"Your failure to get the job done. As soon as you left, the Squadd put the fire out!"

All of the Trix gasps with surprise.

"I need someone with real ability, someone whom I can share all of my power with," Theo continued.

"Just one?" says Jodi.

"To share all your power with?" asked Sun-Hi. "Sure no problem. We totally got it covered."

"Good," Theo says softly.

Back in Gloomy Wood Forest, the Squadd have transformed, flying around, and are looking for clues that can lead them to the missing headmistress. The Pixies are helping them too.

"Hey I think we're getting closer," Musa says as she points to tree stumps and dead trees lying on the ground with burned ashes everywhere.

"Wow looks like nobody one that fight. Lockson I need your help. Can you detect Faragonda's presence," Hajari said.

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