Chapter 13: Kajari's Sacrifice

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Headmistress Faragonda has been saved, thanks to the tears of the Black Willow. Michael, sacrificing his life for his sister, Rose, earns his Enchantix Powers.

At Cloudtower, Theo and the Trix are watching the destruction of Andros, the Andronian Portal has a giant beam coming out of it, through the crystal ball in Ms. Griffin's office.

"Everything is going according to plan," says Theo.

"What's happening?" asked Corki.

"So what's going on?" asked Sun-Hi.

"Everything is going perfectly. The Omega Portal will soon give way and when it does, all the dark energy of the Magic Dimension will be unleashed into this realm," Theo replied.

"And then what will happen to Andros?" asked Jodi.

"Have a look for yourself. The Omega Dimension is full of evil from different realms' energies. Once those energies are released, it will destroy anything in their path. Andros won't stand a chance," Theo said.

That same night at Alfea, someone knocks on Faragonda's office door.

"Come in," she says.

Saladin comes into her office.

"Headmaster Saladin, is everything alright? What could be so important that you simply had to come to my office in the middle of the night?" Faragonda asks all provocatively.

"Ms. Faragonda, the Omega Portal on Andros is reaching its breaking point. If it gives way, Andros won't survive," Saladin replied.

"This must be the work of Theodor."

"Yes, the evil energy from Omega will destroy Andros, but it will also threaten the entire Magic Dimension. None of us will be safe, including Theodor himself. There will be no stopping it."

"I'd better wake Willow and the boys and the girls," Faragonda calls the Squadd to her office. 

As they are walking in the hallways yawning and drowsy in their pajamas, Hajarianna is blabbering on about how she did not get her beauty sleep.

"What could be so important for them interrupt my beauty sleep? And my beauty dream."

"A beauty dream, Hajarianna?" Hajari chuckles.

"Yeah, one of those dreams where you have designer wings with matching clothes."

"That sounds expensive. If I had that kind of dream money, I would spend it on a brand new awesome guitar," Musa said.

In Faragonda's office, Willow is meeting with Faragonda.

"And that is what has happened, dear. I am so so sorry," said Faragonda.

Willow gasps. "No!"

Hajari and the others arrive at the office. 

Hajari puts his arm on Willow's shoulder. "Willow, what's wrong?" he asks.

Willow starts to shed tears. "My planet, it might be gone soon. Ms. Faragonda, I am the princess of Andros, I have to go home!"

"I can't let you go alone. It's much too dangerous," Faragonda said.

"She won't be alone. We'll go with her," says Hajarianna.

"You know we've always got your back," Hajari said to Willow.

"Ms. Faragonda, please let us go," Kajari said.

"Alright, boys and girls, but be careful. Don't take any unnecessary risks and if the portal gives way, I want you to come back immediately."

In the Squadd's apartment, Kajari is using his green dome device to transport him and his friends to Andros.

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