Chapter 16: Building Hope

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Alone in the kingdom of dragons, Hajari fought for survival. Thanks to a small dragon, named Buddy, the fairy managed to ease his anger, regaining his self-confidence.

On a cold night at Red Fountain, everyone in the school is sleep, except Tecna. Tecna is on her computer waiting for the sensor to track poor, missing Kajari. Her pink hair is all over the place as she is sweating out of nervousness and her cyan eyes are shimmering from the computer brightness. A map appears on the computer and a red dot starts blinking. Tecna's eyes widen with happiness and excitement.

"It's a transmission signal from a space pod," she said. "It appears as if something is trying to communicate. I don't believe it!"

"This is a transmission signal from the Omega Dimension. Can anybody hear me?" Kajari says, talking through Tecna's computer.

Tecna's eyes shimmer with tears of joy from hearing her sweet boyfriend's voice. Tecna gets out of her seat and jumps up and down. "I found him! He's alive! It's Kajari! That's his voice! Guys, wake up! Kajari is alive!"

Brandon leaps up surprised and does not even have a tired voice. "He's alive?" he asks.

Brandon and Bloom walk up to the computer.

Tecna sits back down. "He's sending his coordinates through a transmitter guys! The space pod just received his signal and he knew we'd never stop searching for him. Now, if I don't lose the signal, I should be able to get the transmission position." Tecna starts typing some codes and the computer starts making some beeping sounds.

"No," Brandon says worriedly.

"Did you lose him?" asked Bloom.

Tecna sits back and takes a deep breath. "I got him. Just in time. He's transmitting from Omega's Inner Quadrant. Kajari's alright! Now we know his exact location. Even in that frozen forgetting dimension, he somehow managed to survive, but he needs us now."

"Alright! So what are we waiting for? Let's load up the ship and go rescue Kajari. He'll be totally stoked to see you. I'll call the Squadd and tell them the good news." Brandon calls Hajarianna's phone.

"Hello?" Hajarianna asks in a yawning voice.

"Kajari is alive!" Tecna shouts.

"I know Hajari would wanna be there for his brother, but he's still training on Pyros," Bloom said.

"But I get you both Hajari and Kajari will be back with us in no time," said Tecna.

"Let's start packing, Brandon. We'll leave at sunrise," said Bloom.

At Cloudtower in Griffin's office, Theo is watching the Specialists through his crystal ball.

"I love the deep dark debt of light. You discover the most interesting humans when the sun goes down," Theo says.

Someone knocks on the door.


The Trix walk into the room.

"You have better have a good reason for waking us up, Theo," says Sun-Hi.

"Oh, I have a good reason. Kajari has managed to send a message to Red Fountain from the Omega Dimension."

Jodi and Corki gasps.

"What?! That is impossible!" Sun-Hi said.

"Don't worry, ladies. The chances of them saving him are null in void."

Sun-Hi points as Theo. "Yeah, but those annoying Squadds never give up."

"Except, that their fearless leader isn't with them."

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