Chapter 5: Andros In Danger

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Because of the tears, she shed for Brandon, Hajarianna manages to break the spell that made her a monster. Willow is ready to defend planet Andros from Theo's threat and the Squadd are right by her side.

At Alfea park, Willow is having a conversation with Hajari about traveling to Andros to save it from Theo.

"I just heard from my parents. Things on Andros are taking a turn for the worst. They're taking refuge in the royal palace and even that isn't safe anymore. They scrambled spy planes to watch over Theo's hideout, but no one can figure out how to stop him. He's becoming more powerful every day and if we don't do something now, Andros will be destroyed forever," said Willow.

"We've got to get to Andros before it's too late. Willow, we can't let your planet meet the same fate as Domino," says Hajari.

In the Squadd's apartment, the rest of the gang are worried about Willow.

"How's Willow?" Michael asks Hajarianna.

"I don't know," Hajarianna replied.

"We'll help you. We'll all go with you to Andros together," says Musa.

"Uh hello? What about our classes? It's not like Ms. Faragonda is gonna give us another hall pass to go save another planet," says Kajari.

Hajarianna walks to her closer. "It's obvious you have no experience with this type of thing." Hajarianna takes out a scarf and a beanie and starts fake coughing. She fakes cough. "Hello, school nurse. I've got come down with something really gross." Hajarianna fakes sneezes. " And contagious. I'm sorry I won't be able to attend classes."

"Very funny, Hajarianna. Not exactly an oscar-worthy performance, but I guess it's worth a shot," said Hajari.

"Uh, yeah," Michael says confused with one eyebrow up.

"Yup, to leave it to me," Hajarianna replies. "I'll stay here and cover for you guys."

"Wait, Hajarianna? You mean you're not coming to Andros with us?" Musa asks.

"Sorry, I can't. I need to come up with a plan to save my father from Countess Kassandra. I haven't seen him since that day. It was so horrible. I can't believe he ordered his guards to arrest me. He didn't even recognize me. His own daughter. He has to be under some kind of spell. I know he is. I have to find a way to get him to snap out of it. I'm sure she's behind all of this. She's not even queen yet and she and her daughter, Sanaa, are taking over. They have to be stopped. I don't know what they're planning,  but I have a sense there's more to it than meets the eye. Whatever it is, it feels evil. I dunno how, but I have to get back here as soon as possible."

Willow puts her hand on Hajarianna's shoulder. "We understand, Hajarianna. We know you got to do what you've got to do." Then, Willow turns to the others. "You guys, thanks for all your help."

All of the fairies come together and group hug.

Later, Hajari is talking to Bloom on the phone and everyone is waiting on Hajari so they can go to Andros.

"Yeah, of course, I'm gonna miss school, Bloom. And you," Hajari said.

"Seriously, are we done saying our goodbyes yet?" Kajari asks.

Willow chuckles."I dunno, ask Hajari."

"He's been saying goodbye for over an hour," Musa teases.

"Ah, young love," Hajarianna says.

Kajari takes out a dome-shaped object. "So I just created this cool device that teleports you to locations and creates dimensional passages."

"That weird thing?" Musa asks.

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