Chapter 2: Theo's Plan

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From their prison in the Omega Dimension, the Trix escaped with Theo, spreading terror on Andros. Willow is worried and returns home to protect her planet.

On Andros, the skies are greenish-brown and the rain pours with high tides and the ocean is the same color as the sky. Two mermaids pop up out the water one is holding on to another.

"Hang on with me, Selena. I got you," says the mermaid.

A small wave knocks them over, but they managed to stay up.

"We'll get through this. I think the worst is over," the mermaid continues. The mermaid turns around and sees a giant wave coming. "Or not!" she says panicking.

A pink barrier blocks the wave from knocking them over. They look up and see someone floating in the air.

"Princess Willow!" cheers the mermaids.

Willow uses that same barrier to carry the mermaids to a ship and hands them over to the palace soldiers. "Soldiers take care of these mermaids, I need to get to the bottom of this. There's something dark and mysterious stirring up the seas of Andros and I'm gonna find out what it is!" Willow says.

In the underground of Andros in a cave, monster mermaids are ganging up on regular mermaids.

"Sisters, what's happening?" asked a mermaid.

"Corella, they don't hear us anymore. They're not themselves, something has changed them!" cried another mermaid.

"Not something, mermaid, but rather someone's changed them and that's me, Theo. They're under my mark which means they're under my control and now it's your turn." Theo evilly smiles and sinisterly laughs as he casts a spell on the regular mermaids and transforms them into monsters.

"Love their new look," says Sun-Hi. "Fangs, claws, discolored skin; It's really working for them."

"You busted out the Omega Dimension, conquered Andros, and found the inter-dimensional portal. I like it," says Corki.

Sun-Hi and Jodi give Corki dirty looks.

"Did I say I? I meant we like it," Corki corrected herself.

"You're too kind, but I'm just getting warmed up. All those years in the Omega Dimension have weakened me, but not for long. I will get it all back. Once I regain my power, I will be able to conquer the whole universe. We will reach every dimension through this portal. One by one these kingdoms will fall and I will absorb there magic power. I will become the supreme master of all living things. I will spread my mark everywhere and the Reign of Theo will begin!"

"But, Theo, you're already super powerful," says Sun-Hi.

"It's not enough! To regain my power I need the magic of the kingdom of the sun! And lucky for me, the sun always shines on Solaria."

Theo passes through a portal to go to the planet of Solaria.

At Alfea, Kajari and Hajari are worried about Willow, so Kajari tries to get in touch through the computer, but Willow is not responding.

"No luck, Hajari. I called her, DM'd her and emailed her, but she's off the grid."

"There's got to be someway you can contact her, Kajari. Please, keep trying."

Hajarianna peaks her head in Kajari's room. "Still no news from Willow?" she asks.

"Nope, not yet," says Hajari.

Musa and Michael are sitting down on the couch in the living room.

"I bet she's underwater, since that's where all the trouble is," says Michael. "I'm worried."

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