Chapter 3

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That night before dinner I call Lizzie into my room. Just to see what she would say about this stuff. "Well it sounds like your sick." Lizzie says sitting at my desk.
"What's that suppost to mean?"I ask.
"Well maybe Paul is..." I stop her.
"Don't finish that sentence!" I shout. "Paul is not right. I don't like Derek!" I whine in a shouting way.
"Shh. He might hear you." Lizzie says.
"No he won't he is in his own little musical world." I say. Then I realized there was no loud Derek music playing. "Crap!" I say.
"What?" Lizzie asks.
"Listen." I say. We wait for a few moments.
"I don't hear anything." She says.
"Exactly." I say I start to walk around my room. I first go to the wall and hit it.
"God what?" I hear Derek say.
"Sorry I thought there was a rat." I say hastily.
"KIDS DINNER!!" I hear mom yell from the living room.
"COMING!" Lizzie and I yell back.

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