Chapter 17

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Derek POV

I was waiting for Casey for what seemed like years. When finally came down I froze. She looked so good. From her head to her toes she looked good. "Derek are we going?" She asks. I nod trying not to seem in a daze but for some reason I knew it didn't work. Once again my acting is bad. "Well then let go." Casey says walking to the door. Before she could open it I bolt I've and open it for her. She smiles. I smile back and walk outside after her. As we walk to the car she of course gets there before. And once again I bolt over to open her door. "Is this what you do with all girls or just because I'm paying?" She asks.

"Well giving that this is our first date you will not be paying. And seems as though you want a real gentleman to be with you I figured you would want me to act like one." I say with a smile. She gets in a I shut the door behind her.

Casey POV

Did I hear Derek right? Did he call this our first DATE?!?! I sat in the passagers side as he drove to the resturant. We were silent for a moment until I decide to say something. "Kendra called." I say nonchalontly.

"Who?" Derek asks.

"Kendra? She's got dirty blonde hair. Big green eyes. She kind of cubby but she still looks skinny."I expliain.

"Oh yea her. What did she want?" Derek asks.

"She wante to go out with you tonight." I answer.

"Oh well you said that couldn't happen right." He asked. Derek was crazy for not wanting to date Kendra she was pretty, popular, and she would be good for gossip.

"Yea I told her we had a family dinner but when she came over Marti."

"SHE WAS OVER AT OUR HOUSE!" Derek rudely said interuppting me.

"Yes and I wasn't finished." I say.

"Sorry. Why did she come over?" He asked.

"Well she wanted to help m pick something out to wear. And as I was saying before. Marti told her that we said there was a party tonight that's why we didn't eat dinner." I look at Derek who is pulling into a parking place at FANCY?!?!?! I look at him. "Umm isn't this a bit expencive?"I ask still thinking I'm paying for dinner.

"Casey I old you you are not paying for dinner tonight." Derek says for a second time.

"But that was the bet."

"Well tthis isn't part of the bet. This is me and you going out. On a date. A real date." Derek says. "Now come on I made reservations."Derek says getting out of the car and opening my door for me. I take his hand and get out of the car. We walk up to the front door and go in me of course before Derek. "Reservations under Voldemort." He tells the guy. Really Derek?

"Voldemort?" I ask him.

We walk to the table as the front desk guy rolls his eyes. Derek pushs my chair out for me and I sit. "Thank you Derek." I say realizing I haven't said thank you at all tonight.

"Your server will be right with you mr Voldemort." The front desk guy says as he walks away. I snicker a little bit. So does Derek.

"So Why did you go under Voldemort?" I ask him.

"Well I didn't want somone from school to know we were gonna be here so I figured if I use a fake name no one would know it's me." He explains.

"Why Voldemort?"

"Well it was either him or Snape. I figured people would know Snape is a fake name so used Voldemort." Derek says proudly. I roll my eyes and look at the meau. When our waitress finally gets there. She wasn't looking at us she had her head down looking at her phone. Sh gets to our table.

"Hi! I'm Emily. I'll be server you tonight." She finally looks up and freezes. It was Emily. My best friend Emily. "Hi guys." she says. Derek and I wave with a fake smile on our face.

"Em I didn't know you worked here." I say.

"Um yea it's my second day. Why are you guys here?" she asks.

"Cool. We are on a bet." I say. I look at Derek and he nods his head. "We bet that if he gets to the topless level loser has to buy dinner."I look at Derek. "He lost so he is paying."

"Oh then why did you wear the babe raider outfit that day? You said Derek won." I forgot I told her about the bet the day I wore that outfit.

"We had a rematch." Derek says. "Loser had to buy dinner. Casey wanted to come here just to make me spend more." Derek looks at me. I give him a nod to go on. "I want water." He says smilig at Emily.

"Oh right drinks?" Emily asks.

"I'll have a water as well." I say.

"Casey no you have to try the raseberry ice tea it is awesome." Emily suggests.

"Alright I'll take that." I say. I see Derek look in his wallet. He was so cute when he worried

."Okay I'll be right back with those." Emily says. Then she left. Derek looks at me.

"Get whatever you want Case." he says with a smile.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"what do you mean?"

"You looked worried when you looked at your wallet." I say with a smile.

"Get whatever you want Case I'll be fine." Derek says lookig at his meau.

"Okay." I say looking at my meau as well. Emily comes back a few moments later.

"Alright guys here are your drinks. Water. and Raseberry Ice tea." She says with a smile and putting our drink in front of us. "Do you guys know what you want?" Emily asks looking more at Derek than me.

"Umm I want the steak." He says pointing to it on the meau.

"And Casey?" Emily says turning to me.

"I guess I'll have a salad." I say with a smile.

"Okay I will be right back with that." Emily says.

"Em. I'll have ranch dressing." I say.

"Oh right I'm sorry Case." Emily said walking away. I look at Derek. He was just looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing I just wonder how you know to be on  top of things." He says. I smile. We sit there and wait for a while just talking while we wait for Emily to come back. "No no no. You are the one who thought Lizzie was gonna leave the house." Derek says.

"No I didn't I knew she would chicken out." I say.

"She had a reason to leave. You did call her stupid." He says. My mouth drops.

"That stupid was for you. Lizzie just took it the wrong way." I say remembering when Derek and I were disagreeing on a Tv show and Lizzie was in the middle of it.

"Whatever." Derek looks at his watch and looks around. Barley anyone is in the resturant. "Where is our food.?" He asks.

"More like where is everyone else." I say. "What time is it?" I ask.

"11:30." He says. "pm."

"Damn where is our food?" I say.

"Folks you have to go." Says the front desk guy.

"We never got our food though." Derek says.

"It's right in front of you sir." The guy says. We look down at our untouched food.

"Well I'm not paying for it okay. Let's go Case." Derek says getting up. We leave Fancy and go home.

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