Chapter 20

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A few hours later at lunch I sit with Emily a few tables away from Derek." So this weekend I" Emily started but the rest I just heard blah blah blah. I was too busy look and Derek. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if people knew. Maybe we would be couple of the year or something. I shake my head and try to listen to Emily jabber on about her weekend. "How about you what did you do this weekend?" She asks me. "Besides go to Fancy with Derek. Which must have sucked since you guys didn't eat or don't like each other." She says.

"Um. oh yea. It was good. Derek and I." I stop myself. Realizing I was about to say Derek and I went out again. I think fast. "Had a disagreement about a TV show again." I say.

"Oh what show?" Emily asks. Shit what show?

"Spongebob." i say quickly.

"Spongebob?" Emily asks.

"Yes we thought Spongebob was going to marry Sandy but he didn't haha." I say.

"Oh kay. Well I called your house yesterday." She says.

"Oh you did?" i say remembering Derek and I went with the family shopping.

"Yea no one was home and you never called back." She explains.

"Oh sorry Em i was shopping with the family." I say. Even though I just hung out with Derek while the rest of the family frolicked around JCPenny's.

"It's fine. what did you get shopping?" She asks.

"I didn't get anything. Derek however bought like everything he liked.Like he bought this awful shirt just because he wanted it." I say. "And you should've seen the look on the cashiers face she was like why the hell are YOU buying this." I say with a smile.

"Cool." Emily say uninterested.

"It was funny. It's one of those you had to be there moments." I say. I didn't know why I was saying this I'm going to end up giving Derek and I away.

"Is that all?" Emily asked.

"Yea I guess." I sneak a look at Derek who is just looking at me while Sam is talking. I smile.

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