Chapter 35

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Derek POV

 I can't believe I just did that again. I'm under shock. Casey turns over."ow." I look at her she looks a bit pale. 

"Case baby are you okay?" I ask.

 "Yea. I'm fine." she is holding her stomach. 

"Are you sure?" I ask sitting up.

Casey POV

 "Derek I'm fine okay." I say and get up hunched over and walk to my room. When I get there Lizzie is sitting on my bed. "Oh Liz please get up so I can lay down." I beg. 

"Casey are you okay?" Lizzie asks getting up and helping me lay down.

"I'm fine. Ow!" I whine. I was not fine. I had a pain in my stomach and it was hurting me. Badly.

"Casey you are not fine. Maybe I should get mom or George." She swallows. "They need to speak with you and Derek anyway." I look up at her and start to shake my head.

"Lizzie you didn't!" I yell both in pain and in fear.

"We did." She replies.


"Edwin and I." She pauses. "We told mom and George about you and Derek."

"DEREK! CASEY! Can you two come down here?" I hear George yell from the stairs. Great  now I have to get up.

Derek POV

I get up and walk clamly downstairs and sit on the couch. "What's up dad?" I ask. He just looks at me. My smile fades and I sit quietly. I hear footsteps from the stairs and turn to see hunched over Casey making her way down slowly and in pain. She was not fine. "Casey." I whisper as she sits down next to me. I move to my chair so she can lay down. She does and Nora begins her speech about what we did.

"I know you two are teens and you have hormos,but there is no reason you guys should feel presured into something like this." Nora says disappointed.

"Mom. What. Are. You. Talking. About?" Casey asks taking a breath everytime she says a word.

"She is talking about you and Derek. Dating." Dad says.

"George let's not be to hard on them-

"No I'm gonna be hard on them. You two are in big trouble. This is a outrage! Despite my better judgement Derek I trust you to just once not hit on every girl you see. Casey was suppose to be the exception. You two weren't suppose to date." He let's out a cuckle. " I won't be surprised if you start to hit on Lizzie. OR worse Marti." He had crossed the line.

"Okay Dad I do not hit on every girl I see. Marti and I are brother and sister. Blood related brother and sister. Lizzie is way to young for me. And Casey... Casey is the best thing that has ever happened to me." I say as his eyes grow wide. "I love her." I look at her. She has stoped groaning in pain and was now looking at us. Mostly me. "She is the most beautiful, smartest, most amazing girl I have ever met and I don't know why it took me so long to realize it." I look back at Dad and Nora who don't look pleased.

"Ow!" Casey say from behind us. I turn and sit next to her.

"Case you are not fine." I say bluntly.

"No really Derek I'm... OWWW!" I pick her up.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." I say as I help her stand up.

"I don't need... Okay yeah I need. Ow!" I walk her over to the door and grab my jacket. I look back at Dad and Nora. 

"You guys can follow if you care." And with that I lead Casey out to the car and drive to the hospital.

Marti POV

"Follow Smerek!" I yell from the top of the stairs.

"Marti have you been listening to our con-

"FOLLOW SMEREK!" I yell cutting Daddy off.

"Okay okay! Edwin! Lizzie! Come on we are going to the hospital." Daddy yells and putting his coat on. Ed and Liz come down with worried looks on there faces.

"It's Casey isn't it." Lizzie says. I nod.

"Let's GO!" I yell going outside and getting in the other car.

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