Chapter 13

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Derek POV

I was watching the game with Sam in silence until Sam decided to ruin the happiness. "So dude I got a question?"

"Well Sam I think we all have questions every now and then some stupid some not so let's see if your question if worth missing the silence."I say not wanting to hear his question.

"Well you know I really like Casey so would it be alright if I asked her out?" Sam asks I look at him.


"I said I really like...

"I know what you said but wh would you ask that it's like asking if you could date my girlfriend." I interrupt.

"no it's not Casey is your sister."

"STEP SISTER. she is my step sister which means nothing to me but If you go out with Casey it could ruin our friendship." I say.

"Look man I know it would be weird seeing us together but it would be like if you went out with Emily." He says think he is making a point.

"What makes you so sure she is going to say yes." I ask.

"Well I'm hot and she's hot and Casey doesn't seem like the type to say no which means it would be easy to ask her out date her then get down to the real busy." Sam winks at me.

"Why are we winking?" I ask afraid to hear the answer.

"Oh come on man Casey won't be able to say no if we have dated for awhile."

"still not answering my question."

"The wink is a code for sex Derek. God I thought you of all people would know that." Sam says. He stands up. "I think I'm gonna go ask her out now." He starts to walk towards the stairs I stop him

. "I don't think so Sam." I say trying to sound like a good brother.

"Dude come on." Sam says through a laugh.

"No you come on. Don't you know better than to say your gonna use my step sister to me." I say.

"Der I'm not saying I'm going to use Casey I'm just saying someday I will get in her pants." Sam says with a smile.

"Look Sam I think it's time for you to leave." I say.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well I don't like the fact that you are saying TO MY FACE. That your gonna use Casey." I say. I was getting mad Sam knew better and he used girls all the time and I never cared. Hell I use girls sometimes but this was Casey I couldn't have that happen to her.

"Fine man I'll be by tomorrow." Sam says walking to the door.

"Yea don't count on it." I say pushing him out and shutting the door when he left. I turn and see Casey at the top of the stairs just sitting on the first step.

"Why did you do that?" She asks. I just look at her. "Derek?" She stands.

"DEREK!" I hear Edwin yell from what sounded like my room.

"EDWIN GET OUT OF MY ROOM!"  I yell running upstairs forgetting about Casey for a moment.

"Dude I had to use your computer and I saw an email from Sam." Edwin was sitting at my computer when I walked into my room.

"What does it say?" I ask. "And what are you doing looking at my email?" I ask more importantly.

"It came up on it's own. I thought it was part of facebook but then I started reading and I wondered why Sam would have some of this stuff on FB." I push Edwin out of the chair and read the message.

       Hey Der, Sorry about earlyr I no I shouldn't of said some of the stuff I said. I don't know what I was thinking but your right. I want to use Casey for my own needs and I no your her bro but I thought you wouldn't care. You use girls all the fucking time (lol you see wht I did there man I USED a pun(haha I did it again...Man I'm funny)) but really dude don't get so defensive about it your actting more like a boyfriend than a brother. OH well I'm still gonna ask her out man okay L8r.


"Why on earth would you think that was on Facebook?" I ask Edwin.

"Well it had Sam's name and" He stops. " I don't know."

"You were going through my email weren't you." I say standing up.

"N-No." Edwin stuttered.

"You were!" I say grabing Edwin by the collar and picking him up off the ground.

"Okay yea I was. I'm sorry Derek please put me down." Edwin begged. I put him down and watch him run out of the room.

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