Chapter 4

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I walk downstair Lizzie no far behind me and Derek not far behind Lizzie. We were all sitting at the dinner table eating when George broke the wonderful silence. "So how was everyones day?" he asks all the kids around him.
"Well George I would like to share something with the table if you don't mind." I say with a smile.
"here we go." Derek says rudely.
"Now Derek let Casey speak." George says even though I know he is thinking the same thing.
" I would just like to say." I begin. " That I like it here I do, but there do have to be some changes as far as bathrooms go." I turn my head and narrow my eyes at Derek.He takes a drink of his soda.
"Oh great what did Derek do this time?" My mom asks.
"What makes you guys think I did something maybe Casey is just being stupid and nit picking every little thing that goes on around here." Derek states.
"I don't know Derek it always seems to me that Casey brings up something wrong because you do something." Says Edwin.
"Thank you Edwin for helping me on this. And it's not really Derek. It's everyone." I say starting my speech up again. "The problem with the bathroom is that it doesn't have a lock." I say bluntly.
"Whats wrong with that?" Marti asks. She was so clueless and cute.
"well Marti I would like to wake up in the mornig and not see Lizzie brushing her teeth or Edwin going to the bathroom or Derek getting dressed." I say narrowing my eyes at Derek again.
"So what do you think we should do? There is no lock on the door and.." Lizzie was rudely interupted by who other than Derek.
"and the whole world doesn't revolve around Casey which means if the bathroom door is shut that most likely means someone is in there." Derek states. He did have a point. I shake my head waking up from the dream of Derek makig a point.
"Derek the door had a crack." I retort.
"Then ou should have looked through the crack to see if anyone was I the bathroom." He replies.
"Thats the thing Derek." I put a inficence on Derek. "The door is always cracked like that so I thouge no one was In there." I reply back at him.
"Well you soon found out that I was in the bathroom didn't you?"
" Yes and may I say it was a awful way to start my morning." I was close to yelling
. "Oh really because that's not what you told Lizzie when you were having your sisterly talk upstairs." He replies. I go silent. What did he know? What did he hear?

“Derek what are you talking about?” I asks. Worried that he had heard everything I told Lizzie.

“Nothing Casey I'm not talking to you.” Derek says leaning further on the table.

“Derek I demand you tell me what you're talking about!” I yell.

“Well I don't think I need to explain it Casey. You know and I know and Lizzie knows.” He yells back pointing to us as he goes on a rant.

“Edwin doesn't know.” Edwin says popping into the fight.

“Maybe Casey doesn't want you to know Ed.” Lizzie says.

“Well maybe I want to know!” Edwin yells back. The whole table explodes into a huge fight Lizzie yelling at Edwin, Derek yelling at me, and Marti making random animal noises.

“ENOUGH!” Yells George from the head of the table. We all stop. “Now let's all solve this in an orderly manor.” He says. I start to laugh. Everyone looks at me.

“This house. Orderly.” I crack up again then stop suddenly. “Yea right!” I say then I get up and go upstairs to my room.

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