Chapter 21

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Emily and I dump our trays and head to our lockers. I was walk past Derek's table when Sam stands up and gets in my way. "Hey Casey!" Sam says.

"Um hi Sam." I say.

"So I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime. Like tonight." he said. Oh god.

"Um Im sorry Sam I don't go out on Mondays I usually stay home and study."I say. It wasn a lie. I really didn't go out on Mondays. I guess I wa telling the truth. I also didn't want to go out with Sam since Derek and I are kind of dating.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yea Sam sorry." I say walking but once again he gets in my way. "How about Friday?" He asks.

"Um no thanks I have plans." I say trying to walk pas him but once again he gets in front of me.

"What plans? Is it possible to cancel?"

"You know what Sam. Your kind of getting on my nerves and I don't like that. And to be honest I don't have plans on Friday. I just don't want to go out with you. I'm sorry Sam." I say he gets in front of me a I try to walk again. "God what now?" I ask.

"Who is he?" He asks.

"What? Who?"

"The guy."

"What guy?" I ask confused.

"The guy that your dating."

"What makes you think Im dating anyone?" I ask Sam.

"Well your rejecting me. ME!" Sam wa beig kind of jerky and people were staring.

"Look Sam I just don't want to go out with you." I say. Sam was getting closer to me.

"Casey please just go out with me." Sam said . He had my cornered by a table and him. He leans down to try to kiss me, but someone pulls him away. Emily come running towards me.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

"Yea." I say. Just then I see Derek punch Sam in the face. Sam is knocked to the ground and Derek comes to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.I nod. He gets my bag. "Lets get outta here." Derek says.

"We are over Derek!" Sam yells. Derek and I get outside. I felt like I was in a Walk to remember.

"Casey are you sure your okay?" Derek asks.

"Im fine Derek. Thank you." I say.

"Your welcome. Do you want to go home or stay?" He asks. I knew he wante to go home but if I miss any school my perfect atendents would be over.

"Derek I can't miss any school. I have to go back to classes." I say. He frowns.

"Okay if you must. Do you have any classes with Sam?" He asks. I shake my head. " Okay. Just be careful okay?" I nod and we kiss. We didn't care if people saw after what happened in there it was almost a dead give away. We pull away and go back in the school.


"Casey are you sure your okay?" Emily asks after a few hours past. It was last hour. Almost time to go.

"Em I told you I'm fine." I say for the 60th time.

"Okay if your sure." Just then Emilys gaze went to behind me. I turn, of course, Derek. Only it was weird he wasn't given high fives or talking to a friend or girl. He was just walking to his locker. He must have seen us because he waves. We smile and wave back. "He is so cute." Emily says.

"Yea." I say. "I mean gross Em." It was too late Emily had look on her face that said what. I bite my lip and look around.

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