Chapter 38

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Derek POV

I walk into the room and see a dead looking Casey. No wonder everyone was crying besides Edwin who likes to have everything clam. I take her hand and sit in the chair next to her bed.I clear my throat and get ready for my big long speech.

"Casey, I know you can't react to me. But please. Hear me out. I love you. So much. And I don't know what I will do with out you. So please have some- something happen. I don't have - a lot of time. So here we go. I will miss you - so much. And I'm sorry. i feel like this is my fault. I- I was the last person you saw. I was the last to see- all of you. I-" That was the last word I got out before I hear a flat line.I breakdown as the rest of the family comes in. "She's gone. Casey's-" I pause as tears fly down my face. "i held her hand and talked to her then. Nothing." I choke up and cry some more. Lizzie comes over to me and hugs me.

"Derek!" She crys.

Lizzie POV

Three days later

It's been three days of no Casey. I was still in a depression. I started cutting. I cry myself to sleep. I try to hard to fit in with my friends at school. Saying I'm fine and everything like that. I can't sleep. I can barely eat. Every time I walk by Casey's room I brust into tears.I'm almost as bad as Derek.,but he is a bit worse. He won't get out of his room. I haven't seen him in three days. The first time I saw him he was super skinny, had bags under his eyes, and smelled awful. He didn't even look up at me as he walked to the bathroom. I feel bad for him.

I walk downstairs to the rest of the family. We are all pretty bad since Casey past away. Edwin is the best out of all of us. He does well with this kind of stuff. I don't know how he does it. I look around the house as everyone runs around getting in their black outfits and last moment funeral plans. Edwin and George are in black suits. Marti, mom, and I are in different black dresses.

(Marti's: [weheartit] Nora's: [weheartit] Lizzie's: [weheartit] )

Derek comes downstairs. He smells better but he doesn't look any better. I feel bad for him.

When we get to Casey's funeral we see a lot of tears... from Derek. He is in the front and he is the worses one there.I understand though I was a mess as well. Later we are all back home. "Oh come on guys. We have to move on." Edwin says. Derek and I look up.

"Move on? Move on!" I yell. "You think we can just move on from this You are so insensitive, To Mom. To Derek. To Me." A tear leaves my eyes.

"I'm not trying to be insensitive. I'm trying to lighten the mood." He retorts. I stand.

"This is not the time for your stupid lights to shine on the mood." I yell.

"Enough!" George yells. Edwin takes a step back."Edwin is right Liz. We have to move on. That doesn't mean we are forgetting Casey it just means we remember her but live our life's as if she was here."

"But she's not here! She will never be here!" I yell and run upstairs. I sit up on my bed when Derek comes in. I look at him with tears in my eyes."Been awhile since I've seen you." I say.

"Yea." He says sitting on my bed. I cry a bit and he pulls me into a hug. "I know how you feel. I miss her too."

"Your a bit worse than I am. You don't go to school. I have too." I say wiping my eyes.

"Yea. Your a strong girl. You can see your friends and talk to people.Your strong."

"So are you. Your strong for going to see her." I say.

"Thanks but I don't think I'm strong because of that." He says.

"But you are. Now go tell your brother he is a asshole." I say. Derek smiles a bit.

"Hey that's not a nice word. For you at least. What's been going on anyway you seem different." He says.

"I am. I dress in all black all the time. I barely talk to my friends. I cry everytime I pass Casey's room." I say as another tear falls from my eye.

"Well I'm different too." He says.

"I know." I say.

"I think Edwin wants to take us out to eat tonight," Derek says changing the subject.

"He doesn't get it." I say shaking my head.

"You have to go Lizard." He says.


"You have to go. Like I said your strong. You can go with them and live. I however am a mess." He says.

"So your going to stay home.While we go out." He nods. "Fine." I walk downstairs,

"Lizzie welcome back. We all decided that-

"That we are going to go out to eat the day of Casey's funeral." I say crossing my arms. They nod. "Fine let's go."

"What about De-

"Derek isn't in the right state to go anywhere. Respect that. Okay." I say getting my coat.

"Alright." Edwin says. We all leave and go eat at Smelly Nellie's.

Derek POV

The family left. I went to my room. I get the pistol out of my side table. I load the gun. I put it to my head. Then BOOM.

Lizzie POV

We all come home and they is no sound. I walk upstairs to check on Derek. It seems as though I'm the only one he can talk too. I open his door then I scream. Derek is lying on the floor. Dead. I drop down next to him and cry. "Liz I heard a scream what-" Edwin stops when he sees Derek. He breaks down next to me. "DAD!" He yells. "Call the cops call SOMEONE!"

"He's dead Ed."

"No he's not. Not yet. He can't be. CALL SOMEONE!" He yells again. "Derek!"

"Edwin stop. He's gone."

"He can't be."

"But he is! Just like Casey!" I scream.

Casey POV

It's been three days. I use to watch my family but my grandma who died a few years ago told me not to check in so much. I live in my dream house. There is a knock at my door. I open it. A lady stands on my cloud pouch. "May I help you?" I ask.

"Casey. Someone asked for you." I look at her and she disappears to reveal Derek.

"Derek!" I run towards him and hug him. He pulls back and kisses me.We hug again then go into the house and wait for the rest of the family.

The end.

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