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More boring days faded slowly by, and I tried everything I could to help on the ship. After all didn't want to sit to the side and do nothing like an average woman from this time, I wasn't from this time, so I wasn't accustomed to just sitting around.

When I tried to help I only got one response, "This is no job for a woman."

I just wanted to slap the men for thinking women to be so low, but then again it will take centuries for them to show woman a little respect.

Heh, what am I talking about? Woman aren't even respected in my time.

Night time came again, and I was sitting on a small table with what looked like a metal plate of food. Or slop. I just ate the bread, but when I took a bite I noticed how stale it was, and spit it out. This is so much different than the burger and drinking a coke I was used to eating....

Neither of those were even invented yet...

I wanted to cry at the thought, so instead I gave my meal to Theodore, who appreciated it. He was the only kind man on the ship that would let me help, but it would be with cleaning certain things. He was the only man I would talk to, but as I was helping him clean the floor of the part of the ship with a mop, he noticed the wedding ring around my finger.

I had forgotten to take the thing off...

"You had said you got a divorce," said Theodore questionably.

I looked at the ring, then shrugged, "I was thinking about selling it and spending the money, but then again..." I sighed. "I might just give it back to him," When I get back home...

"Why would a man be willing to give away a pretty lil' woman like you?" He gave me a confused look. Damn, how gorgeous was I? All I heard was "Pretty lil' woman" ever since I was stuck here.

I shrugged, "It was about time, I suppose. We loved each other at the beginning but I guess it faded to a friendship type of relationship." Plus, he didn't like women anymore.

"I am deeply sorry for you," He spoke and gave me a gentle nod. "My father had died when I were a child, I had to take care of my mum ever since."

"I'm sorry to hear," I stopped moving to rest my hands, I didn't want to get any blisters. "So that's why you work in this filth?"

He nodded twice.

I looked at the ring on my finger, and with a gentle sigh I took it off and held it to him, "Here..."

"I cannot take that, Ma'am. It is not mine."

"And? It's gold, and it should give you some money. It will help you with your mom," I insisted some more, and when he resisted again I added, "Trust me, I don't need this thing anymore. You won't be hurting me taking this, besides I thing you will find a better use for this," I placed it in the palm of his hand, then shut it. after I shut it I assured him with a soft smile. "There, that was not so bad, wasn't it?"

He grinned lightly to me, "The way you speak is so strange, Miss. Shay."

"I do?" Maybe it was because I wasn't from here...

When he opened his mouth to speak a large bang was heard, and the whole ship shook. I almost tripped from the sudden motion, but then yelling erupted and echoed through the ship. Mostly above. Theodore looked up as he put the ring into his pocket, and when the ship shook again with another bang I had nothing to hold me up this time again. I fell onto the ground.

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