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The joy that bubbled inside me was endless! The freedom from the keys! The love I felt within me, I ran out of the room as fast as I could just to be greeted by the three men outside. Azril, who saw me, smiled and was glad that I wasn't dead in there and kept asking me questions about what was in the room.

I didn't tell, I just told him that I was told by the true keeper inside not to speak a word.

The three helped me return to my people, the whole time I was so excited I was running the whole way. I had been gone for hours, Azril had told me, that meant long enough to Caspian to heal! Everything was going to be alright now... I assured myself. I get to finally be happy!

When I made it back to the camp I didn't waste no time. When I saw Caspian well and not using a cane filled me with joy, so much joy I jumped on him and we tumbled onto the sand. He was completely surprised by the sudden action he swore, "Dammit, woman, are you trying to kill me?"

"I come back from risking so much and that's what you tell me?" I laughed at him. "I get to stay! I came back!"

"Dammit," He repeated. "Where are they keys? Did you destroy them?"

"No," I shook my head. "Freya was an evil bitch and I kicked her butt and now she's gone and I get to stay!" tears ran down my eyes with joy. "I get to stay..."

"I think she is going mad," Amul commented.

"Yer must slow down, Darlin'," Caspian grabbed my wet cheeks in his hands to look at me. With a couple small breaths, I finally explained everything to him. About Freya, the Obsidian Room, fighting her across time, Numera who was the true Keeper of the Keys. I only told it to Caspian and William, making sure Amul and Li didn't hear.

"How did you get so well fast?" I looked at his body that was now full of light and color.

"It was a slow process over the hours," He grinned. "But gettin' rid of the betrayin' lass sure helped."

More tears of happiness slid down my eyes, "I get to stay with you, I left the chance of returning to my own world. I wanted to stay here," I pressed my forehead against his. "I found my home, it's here... with all of you guys..."

"I never seen you this happy before," William chuckled. "Are you alright?"

"I'm better than alright. I've never been so better in my life."

"Um, Darlin'," Caspian nodded behind me. "Yer have three Natives standin' there waiting to talk to yer."

"Oh yeah..." I stood up from Caspian and walked over to Azril and his two friends. "Thank you so much. This meant so much to me... really."

"It is nice to know that we helped each other out," Azril spoke. "I am guessing you will be leaving now."

I nodded, "Yes."

"Ali will surely miss you, she was the one most fond of you." He grinned.

"The little girl? Oh yes, then I'll give her a little gift to remember me by," and in front of everyone, I took my shoes and pants off.

"Ria!" William shouted.

"Darlin'," Caspian snapped. "What do yer think yer doin'?"

"Trust me, she will love this," I placed the shoes and pants in Azril's arm. "Take that to her as a gift from me."

"Are you... sure?" Azril seemed speechless.

I nodded, "Defiantly, it's been nice knowing you. I have a baby I want to get back to," I turned and walked to the rowboats pantless. "Let's go! I want to get back home."

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