Little Brother

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   "Oh, um Jade think you can get the door for me?" Sans asked. 

           "Sure thing!" I smiled, opening the not-so-secret door on the back of their house and letting Sans walk in with all his blueprints. I glanced over at the forest that began shortly behind their house and noticed a yellow petal sitting on top of all the snow. "Hey Sans, you still have to make some changes to the machine right?"


             "I'm gonna go check something out, call me when you're ready for me." I stated.

     "...alright, don't get lost or anything ok?" 

             "Sure thing!" I nodded, closing the door and nearing the edge of the woods. I picked up the petal and glanced around, noticing one further in the forest. "...guess he wants me to see something." I told myself before dropping the first petal and continuing on to the next. I stopped beside it, searching the white and brown landscape once again to find another. This went on for at least 20 minutes and I had already found around 46 petals. "Geez Flowey, you're killin' me here." 

                  "Oh come on, we haven't even gotten started yet!" A voice laughed from behind me. 

         "You wanted me to follow the petals and fine, I'm here. So what do you want." I huffed turning around to face the small creature.

                  "You're no fun anymore Jade!" Flowey whined. "Though I guess this way does make things easier... well I wanted to know... what are you and Sans working on? I've seen you two hanging out more and more... you're not planning to get rid of Frisk too are ya?"

        "That's none of your business and you know I would never do something like that. And if you are implying I.. that I got rid of you and Chara I didn't. I would never, ever want anything like that to happen to people I love."

                   "....." Flowey cocked his head slightly. "I had hoped you'd give me a little bit more information then that."

       "Sorry I couldn't be of more help Flowey but if that's all you wanted to talk about I'll be going." I said walking past him. A vine shot up from the ground, snaking around my neck and holding me up, bringing me back in front of Flowey.

                    "WHo saID i wAs DonE taLKINg?!" Flowey growled at me. Instinctively my hands went up to my neck to try and pull the vine away from my neck but Flowey simply responded by making it tighter, the tips of the thorns starting to pierce my neck. "Can you believe I came here to give you a warning and all you try to do is walk away... that's not very nice is it? Golly, someone really should teach you manners." With that said the vine increased it's pressure and the thorns on it started to dig into my neck. I gasped at the sudden pain trying to breath as Flowey blocked off my path. He laughed at my attempts to pull the vine off and I growled slightly. Shooting snow up and from the side I cut through the vine receiving a cry from the flower. I fell onto my feet, quickly transferring to my knees as I took in a giant breath. I put a hand on the ground to steady myself and the other on my neck to try and get a gauge for how badly it was bleeding. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!!" Flowey screamed causing my head to whip up just in time for a vine to make contact with my stomach. It flung me into a tree, my back hitting against the bark hard and taking most the impact. I could feel scratches form as I slid against the bark of the tree, falling to the ground again. "You never could bring yourself to actually fight us... too bad. Once I get those souls you might have to...." Flowey chuckled to himself as I started to get back up. Well, that was before he hit me in the back of the head and I fell forward into the snow as the world began to fade away.

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