The Park

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When Magnus and Isabelle reached the institute, Isabelle went straight to inform Maryse that Magnus had arrived.

Isabelle returned quickly with Maryse hot on her heels.

"Maryse." Magnus nodded at the tall slender woman.

"Magnus." She nodded her head back to the sparkly haired warlock before her.

Maryse wasn't as fond of Magnus as she once was, since he'd broken her sons heart and all. But she knew they needed Magnus' help, and fast.

"What do you require for your work Magnus?" She asked firmly and placed her hand on her hip, now he knew where Isabelle had gotten it from.

"To be alone in Alec's room, Thankyou. I have everything else I need." Magnus replied.

Isabelle showed Magnus to Alec's room and left him be, shutting the door behind her.

As soon as Magnus was alone he gathered the things he needed from his bag and began to work on his tracking spell.

Tracking Alec was easier than Magnus first thought, most likely because they had had a very intimate and personal connection once.

Magnus saw Alec sitting on a park bench and gosh did he look awful. He looked as if he'd been crying for days and hadn't slept in weeks.

Magnus sighed heavily and stopped the tracking spell. He had a lengthly conversation with Maryse, Isabelle and Jace and they all decided that Magnus should be the one to go after Alec.

Magnus set up a large shimmering blue portal in the institutes sanctuary and stepped through to go and find Alec.

Magnus stepped into a large secluded park, full of big trees and park benches. He could see why Alec had decided to come here, it was beautiful.

Magnus scanned the park carefully looking for Alec, but there was no sight of him anywhere. He walked around the park a little until he found the dark haired, blue eyed boy sitting under a tree.

"Alexander." Magnus said gently as he approached the boy, careful not to frighten him.

"Magnus?" Alec stared up at the warlock in disbelief.

"It's me Alec, what are you doing here?" Magnus asked, setting himself down cross legged in front of Alec in the grass.

"I don't know.. Every time I try to leave the park I just end up back here." Alec stared off into the distance looking very dazed and confused.

"It may be a binding spell." Magnus wondered.

Alec was still staring off into space, something was very wrong and Magnus could feel it.

"Alec, why did you come here?" Magnus asked, moving closer to the dazed boy in front of him.

"I don't know." He said still staring in the same place as he had been for the last five minutes.

Magnus turned in curiosity to see what Alec was staring at, but saw nothing. The whole situation was very strange to Magnus but he couldn't quite pin point it.

"Alec have you taken something? Did you except something from a faerie?" Magnus knew faerie drugs could cloud the mind for days but what would the fair folk want with Alec?

"I don't know." He replied still in a daze.

That seemed to be the only thing Magnus could get out of Alec's mouth now. If this wasn't the work of the fair folk Magnus had no idea what it could be, perhaps something more dark and sinister.

Magnus opened up a portal while Alec continued to stare into the distance. Once the portal back to the institute was ready, Magnus picked Alec up and stepped through.

When they landed on the other side, the others rushed to Alec's side but still all Alec could manage to say was "I don't know"

Magnus left quietly to go back to his apartment to try and figure out what was wrong with Alec and how to rid of it. He knew he'd be in for a long night, but Magnus would do anything for Alec.

Spells (malec) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now